30 Day Challenge!


Good evening bloggers, it is lovely to be blogging to you today. For all that asked the essay was finally given in after hours and hours of hardcore reading, writing and referencing. I was happy with the final result and I even though I’m not 100% happy with the everything written I couldn’t have given anything more and that’s all you can ask for…isn’t it?

 So, I’ve taken a few days out of blogging which was horrible but essays are more important than fun and therefore my thirty day challenge was put on the back burner for a couple of days. However without further ado onto the next question in my challenge! The question for today is ‘favourite book title.’ I think this is an interesting question as we’re always told not to judge a book by its cover and therefore the title doesn’t always imply how brilliant the books is as a whole. However I have two contenders!

‘The Time Travellers Wife,’ by Audrey Niffenegger the only way to describe this title is simple but stunning. I think that it perfectly describes the plot however it creates a sense of magic and interest.

However the winner is…‘Time stops for no mouse,’ by Michael Hoeye. I not only loved this book but I also love the title! It is a beautifully sweet title for an equally beautiful book, It’s a children’s mystery book and the delicate title matches the beautifully delicate story on the inside. A must read for children!


In the rodent-populated city of Pinchester lives Hermux Tantamoq, a brilliant watchmaker. When the beautiful adventurer and aviator Linka Perflinger drops into his shop to have him fix her watch, Hermux instantly falls in love. Then a shady-looking rat comes to pick up the watch instead… and with a little investigating, Hermux is head over heels into a mystery involving curious kidnappings, murders, and the formula of Eternal Youth, while Dr. Mennus tries to stop Hermux from getting it.

30 Day Challenge


Evening my fellow book bloggers. Just a warning now you may be hearing a lot from me this evening! I have set myself up to stay the night in the library. I know this is normally frowned on however I have spent weeks on this essay and am just having a panic on how good it is even though it is written, checked, checked again, and referenced. This year has started to have a real effect on me and not knowing how good my essays are is really scaring me. So fuelled by energy drink and cold pizza I will fight through and commandeer Collingwood. Wow, that sounds odd. Any way back on target today’s question! So the question is…. ‘The most surprising plot twist or ending.’

I had a number of answers for this question…firstly I thought of my Sister’s Keeper, the heart wrenching twist at the end foiled me completely I hadn’t even entertained the ‘twist!’ I was totally captured by the story leaving me speechless with tears rolling down my whimpering cheeks!

However I found another book that I will be reviewing later in the month and I’d love you all to read that so we can have a discussion on the book as a whole. The book I have chosen is ‘Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn

‘On a warm summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy Dunne’s fifth wedding anniversary. Presents are being wrapped and reservations are being made when Nick’s clever and beautiful wife disappears from their rented McMansion on the Mississippi River. Husband-of-the-Year Nick isn’t doing himself any favors with cringe-worthy daydreams about the slope and shape of his wife’s head, but passages from Amy’s diary reveal the alpha-girl perfectionist could have put anyone dangerously on edge. Under mounting pressure from the police and the media—as well as Amy’s fiercely doting parents—the town golden boy parades an endless series of lies, deceits, and inappropriate behavior. Nick is oddly evasive, and he’s definitely bitter—but is he really a killer?

As the cops close in, every couple in town is soon wondering how well they know the one that they love. With his twin sister, Margo, at his side, Nick stands by his innocence. Trouble is, if Nick didn’t do it, where is that beautiful wife? And what was in that silvery gift box hidden in the back of her bedroom closet?’

That’s all I’m giving you; any more with ruin it entirely! Get a copy and snuggle down with a glass of wine. You might need it for this one!


30 Day Challenge


It’s Monday morning again..how does the week go so quickly! I do not know! Anyway I am reaching the end of this challenge and it’s going to be odd not writing this every morning, however I think I should just be proud of actually finishing it without being too difficult about the questions!

So, today, the question is, ‘the book that changed your opinion about something and I think it would have to be, ‘Eat, pray, love. By Elizabeth Gilbert.’ Before someone asks no the film did not stand up to the brilliance of the book and I will not be watching it again! However the book is a stunner and it taught me that no matter what I’m doing in my life, how stressed I am, how panicked I am about an essay or an exam, I know that that is not the only path I could take.

I know that a lot of people hated the book and I’m not sure why! I read it  a couple of bursts but overall I really enjoyed it and would recommend it highly. However it wasn’t the writing I enjoyed the most but the stance; it’s all about asking the simple question, “what do I want.” At the moment that is finishing my degree and getting a good mark but in a couple of months that could change to backpacking around Thailand with a one way ticket. This book only showed me that it is possible…oh and to worry less.


30 Day Challenge


Evening! I apologise for being away for a couple of days; an essay has been taking over my life. If I’m honest everything is getting  a bit scary at the moment and I’ve been hiding away whilst trying to get on top of everything! If I’m honest it hasn’t quite worked however I am slightly closer to getting this essay done! Hopefully I can avoid spending all night in the library on Tuesday tweaking! 

So today is supposedly day 25 and the question is ‘a character you can relate to most!’ I think that this is a pretty easy answer for me if I’m honest and it’s probably due to my current predicament. Therefore it would have to be Hermione from the Harry Potter series. Boring answer maybe; however the last couple of weeks I have watched everyone leaving everything till the last minute and smiling whilst my fellow philosophy students attempt to pick up the pieces and I give comforting words whilst they frantically scramble to reference and pull everything last minute. I wish I was more like Hermione however I can definitely relate in always trying to reach my best potential! 

(on another note, Emma Watson is a star) 





Good Morning fellow bloggers! You have caught me a rush this morning and honestly I am desperate to go to Costa and pick up a gingerbread latte and a croissant. Despite this, blogging to you lovely people comes first so the question today is ‘A book that you wish more people would’ve read.’ This is a brilliant question! When I read books I tend to stray from the cannon of classics that everyone seems to have read or at least heard of and this leaves certain more niche book left alone. When I was younger and went to the library every week I became a little obsessed with books by Dee Williams. I was always fascinated with life in Britain during the war, and these books only helped to fuel my imagination. For years after I used to look for copies in book and jumble sales and managed to gain a few copies. I honestly do not know how popular her books are but I absolutely loved them and I wish more people had because they held my interest for so many years. A particular two favourites were Polly of Pen’s place and Hope’s and Dreams both my Dee Williams; if you have a minute, do me a favour and find a copy and see if you love them as much as I did!

Right coffee time! Ciao!

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30 Day Challenge!


Good early evening my lovely fellow bloggers. I am having a relax this evening before a days hard slog in the library tomorrow (working on an essay as always) and thought I would write a new post for you. So the question today is a book that you have wanted to read for a long time but haven’t yet. There are many books that come under this category for me. This is because there are a number of reasons I haven’t read a book; maybe I have attempted to read the book and didn’t like it so I need to try it again, or a book that I have been meaning to read but haven’t had the time to give it the attention it deserves, so once again I haven’t read it! This is (again) a difficult question!

One of the books I am desperate to read is 1984 by George Orwell; I have not picked up the book let alone read it however I have heard incredible reviews and many gasps when I tell people I haven’t read it. I think the main problem is that I’m worried that if I do not have enough time I will not be able to get the full experience. However, it means that I keep putting it off, and then putting it off and still I haven’t read it however I will! (One day)


Another book I have been meaning to read for a while is The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. The main reason for reading this book is due to the mixed reviews I have heard about it. Some reviewers have argues that it did not meet expectations which goes against personal reviews that I have heard. It also interests me because I am yet to see the film. One of the main rules for me is if I am going to see the film and I want to read the book I will purposely read the book first, (it’s a personal preference!) For me comparing the film and the book means reading it first! So that’s why it’s a book that I need to read but have not done so yet!



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30 Day Challenge!


Good Morning Bloggers! Once again I am in the library starting a new essay, however I decided to take a few minutes out and blog to you! So, I am finally making my way through this challenge and it’s the last couple of days. So, today is a book that makes you cry. I find these questions hard because there are my fail safe answers, and then there are my slightly different answers! So I’m going to be clever today. (Well attempt to be!)

So… my fail safe option would have to be the Book Thief by Marcus Zusak; if you haven’t read it you need to get your hands on IT NOW! This gorgeous, captivating account of a nine-year-old foster child during the holocaust is probably at the top of my cry pile.  Death’s unsentimental narration makes it all the more raw.


The second is a little different, and that is ‘Leftovers’ by Stella Newman. It’s not an all out extremely emotional roller-coaster, however it made me giggle horrendously at times and there were a few tears of laughter. At times I had to explain myself for laughing out loud! A brilliant book that is definitely worth a look! (Also expect a review soon!)

According to a magazine, Susie is a ‘Leftover’ – a post Bridget-Jones 30 something who has neither her dream man, job, nor home. She doesn’t even own six matching dinner plates. According to her friend Rebecca, Susie needs to get over her ex, Jake, start online dating – or at least stop being so rude to every guy who tries to chat her up. But Susie’s got a plan. If she can just make it the 307 days till her promotion and bonus, she can finally quit and pursue her dream career in food, then surely everything else will fall into place. If only her love life wasn’t so complicated…A sharp, witty and refreshing novel about love, friendship and enjoying what’s left on the table.


30 Day Challenge!


Morning fellow bloggers! This is the day that I will finally give in my essay on the standardisation of taste! However I also start serious work on my essay on ‘Great Philosophers’ which is horrible seeing as I have no time for a break between the two. However this is still a day for excitement and another 30 Day Challenge Post! 

So today is day 21 and I am nearly through! As always with this thing I have a problem with the question which will come as no surprise if you have been reading these day to day! What does it mean by novel? I’ve looked up a definition and it says…’a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism.’

So the answer to this question is….’Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott’ Little Women was a fiction novel for girls that veered from the normal writings for children, especially girls, at the time. The novel had three major themes:” domesticity, work, and true love, all of them interdependent and each necessary to the achievement of its heroine’s individual identity.However I never finished it! It is one of those unfinished books that I gave up on when I first started reading novels properly and wasn’t completely used to them. One day I will try again to finish it. Until then I tried but unfortunately failed, however it is still the first novel I remember reading. Although to be honest it inspired me to go on and find books I really loved and continue reading! So alls well that ends well. Ciao

30 Day Challenge!


Hello bloggers, you have caught me in my lunch break university, and after a morning of read, referencing and general panic I thought I deserved a couple of minutes to write to you and answer the question of today which is your favourite romance book. 

Firstly, I have a problem with the question! How could anyone pick! I am going to be a general pain and not pick one but write about a couple of my favourite romance books because I am a sucker for a good romantic book!

Alternative: If you’re looking for something a little different in the romance category Addition by Toni Jordan in an absolute stunner.    

‘Grace Lisa Vandenburg counts. The letters in her name (19). The steps she takes every morning to the local caf? (920). The number of poppy seeds on her orange cake, which dictates the number of bites she’ll take to eat it. Grace counts everything, because that way there are no unpleasant surprises. Seamus Joseph O’Reilly (also a 19) thinks she might be better off without the counting. If she could hold down a job, say. Or open her cupboards without conducting an inventory, or leave her flat without measuring the walls. Grace’s problem is that Seamus doesn’t count. Her other problem is . . . he does. As Grace struggles to balance a new relationship with old habits, to find a way to change while staying true to herself, she realises that nothing is more chaotic than love. (If you would like to know check out my review in the reviews section!)




Or maybe the Chocolate Run by Dorothy Koomson will take your fancy? Another slightly different love story. 

Amber Salpone doesn’t mean to keep ending up in bed with her friend Greg Walterson, but she can’t help herself. And every time it ‘just happens’ their secret affair moves closer to being a real relationship, which is a big problem when he’s a womaniser and she’s a commitment-phobe.

While Amber struggles to accept her new feelings for Greg, she also realises that her closeness to Jen, her best friend, is slipping away and the two of them are becoming virtual strangers. Slowly but surely, as the stark truths of all their lives are revealed, Amber has to confront the fact that chocolate can’t cure everything and sometimes running away isn’t an option . . .

The Chocolate Run is a delectable tale of lust, love and chocolate.

(There is also a review of this book in my reviews section! So check it out!) 


Finally my third favourite is another slightly different love story is….. On mystic Lake by Kristin Hannah

Annie Colwater’s husband has just confessed that he’s in love with a younger woman. Devastated, Annie retreats to the small town where she grew up. There she is reunited with her first love, Nick Delacroix, a recent widower who is unable to cope with his silent, emotionally scarred young daughter. Together the three of them begin to heal. But just when Annie believes she’s been given a second chance at happiness, her world is turned upside down again and she is forced to make a choice that no woman in love should ever have to make.

Another stunner of a book! Each of these is a little different and that’s what makes these some of my favourite romance books! Ciao 



30 Day Challenge!


Good Afternoon my lovely bloggers! Finding these a little hard to keep going cannot wait to get to the end but I will finish it I promise! So, today I am answering favourite book turned into a movie, and it’s a cheesy one for today! I read this book whilst on holiday many years ago and I remember my mum telling me not to read it as it was trashy and terrible! I ignored her, as every teenager and read it almost in one sitting. A couple of years later the book came out as a film and I fell in love with it all over again, re-read the book, and immediately bought the film. Even to this day it will always bring tears to my eyes watching the film, and I would have to argue that films are never quite as good the books, this one came pretty close.

SO….the my favourite book turned movie is……’P.S I love you, by Cecelia Ahern
