Our new bookcase tour!

When I was living in Stoke and T I were dreaming of a house together – we both knew we needed one thing. A bookcase, (or in our miracle world – a room we could convert into a library.) It’s something that I don’t think is impossible but for now, we have one, already pretty full bookcase and I thought I might talk you through it. It’s covered in bits and bobs we’ve both collected over the years and I’ll point out any special books too; because I’m just that nice.


Top Shelf

Currently this a mix of our more non-fiction books. Here I have all of my colouring books including my Alice and Wonderland Colouring book and my Millie Marrotta book. There are also a few other (really uncomplicated) colouring books when I’m just not in the right mind to concentrate. We also have a real mix of cooking books on this shelf; T is a vegetarian who doesn’t really like cheese so we have; The Thug Kitchen Book (vegan,) a number of Counting Calorie books (WHICH ARE SO GOOD,) perfect for when you still want to eat but not pile on the pounds. The photo-frame you see is from one of my close friends who made this for me when my blog kind of became more of a big thing for me. It’s covered in comments and is really goddamn motivating when I can’t find the time to blog. It’s a very special gift.


The second shelf houses a lot of my books, OUT, The Girl on the Train, The Last lecture. It also holds the only two penguin black books Tom and I own (FOR NOW.) The yellow Instax Mini 8 was a present from T for Christmas. If you want to buy someone special for Christmas that the will always treasure that isn’t CRAZY EXPENSIVE I would pick this. Plus it comes in LOADS of different colours.


On the third shelf I’ve started to mix T’s book in; it houses mainly ARC books that have been sent to me but also a couple of classics, As you can see Bill Bryson, The Fault in our Stars etc. I also have my gorgeous Read More Books Photo frame which I received as part of my Christmas Blogger Box Swap. The blogger I swapped with sent me a really lovely bookish box. My money box is also on this shelf; not that I’ve ever reaaaaaaally used it. But it’s super cute so!


The second last shelf has a number of my favourite ever books; my Dorian Grey Penguin copy with a suede cover, the book only Love twice that Tom and I read to each other when we first go together, and . My Sex and the City Box set also sits here and there are a number of DVD’s because when you can’t read DVDs are a pretty good swap. It also has the cutest bunny card wishing us a lovely new home from two of my favourite people.

Bottom Shelf


It’s my book suitcase! When living in shared accommodation there was never a bookshelf. NEVER. I don’t know whether people just don’t keep books anymore but apparently it’s not a necessity in shared accommodation. I obviously disagree with this, but to try and keep my books in a slight order I invested in a suitcase to hold them all. It will now sit here probably until we move again (hopefully never – the flat is just, perfection.) but it’s a sentimental item of my days sharing housing in the beautiful Stoke (cough.)

The bottom, bottom shelf

Here sits T and ours only board game  and to be honest with you it’s brilliant. Once again if you’re looking for a board game for Christmas or for the family it’s perfect. Sherlock and Cluedo mixed into one: here’s a link. 

I’ve tried to link as many things as possible from my bookcase in this post because so many of them could make brilliant christmas presents. How does your book case stack up?

Which Classic Female Author Are You?


Hellllllllllo readers, are you well? It’s another Friday and I seem to be making a habit of this it’s another BUZZFEED quiz! I actually really like these, one because some of the questions they ask are utterly hilarious. Secondly I kinda want to know what classic author I am – maybe I’ll be one in the future eh.

What are you writing with?

Ink Pens

Your Typewriter

Your Laptop 


Quill Pens

Gel Pens

Laptop right? I mean I think a type-writer, a pen, a quill, or an Ink Pen will just be too slow and Gel Pens are just too smelly. So I’m going to go with my laptop because I like it a lot. 

Describe yourself in a word?







Right, this is one of those awkward questions where you have to describe yourself but in a kind of hilarious way. Maybe I should have pick flawless – I would rather be witty. 


I couldn’t pick the poo emoji so it had to be this one. 

PICK A book genre that needs to go 

Vampire Fantasies

Bro Novels

Pick up artist books

Dinosaur Sex Novels

Celeb Memoirs 

Odd Political Books

THERE WERE A LOT OF ANSWERS I COULD HAVE ANSWERED, but I think that celeb memoirs are the worst. Especially Jeremy Clarkson. Also has anyone read or even seen a dinosaur sex novel? 

Where are you reading?

An empty library

Your bedroom

A Park

A Flight

The Subway

Literally Anywhere

I think anywhere would be the best because I like to read alllllll the time. 

Pick a movie 

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

The Basketball Diaries

When Harry Met Sally

22 Jump Street

The Social Network

Django Unchained 

I found it tough to pick between 22 Jump Street and Django Unchained because I adore both because they are just so different but I think Django just kinda pips it. I’ve only seen it once but I want to watch it again. 

It’s Friday Night what are you doing?

Getting caught up on work

Drinking with friends

Planning a road trip

Netflix Marathon

Reading a new novel

Hitting up the club

I can’t lie – you always pick tequila. 

Which Classic Female Author Are You? You got: Joyce Carol Oates

  1. You’re the rockstar author, playwright, and Princeton professor. You aren’t the best at Twitter but you’re super talented and amazing in just about every way possible. “I never change, I simply become more myself.”

So we go, there is my classic author – isn’t that fantastic? (is it terrible I’m not 100% who this is?!?!) If you want to take the quiz and find out which female author you are then you take the quiz here (and I’m off to google who this might be! SOOORY!) 

The Book Sacrifice Tag


Helllllllo readers, today I’m going to do the Book Sacrifice Tag! Now I know that that sounds a little bit aggressive, but ya know it’s always a little fun to do a SACRIFICE tag. So enjoy – and if you fancy doing this tag then please tag me. 

1) An Over-Hyped Book: Let’s start this off with a Zombie Apocalypse! Let’s say you’re in a book store, just browsing, when BAM! ZOMBIE ATTACK. An announcement comes over the PA System saying that the military has discovered that the zombies’ only weakness is over-hyped books. What book that everyone else says is amazing but you really hated so you start chucking at the zombies knowing that it will count as an over-hyped book and successfully wipe them out?!

I actually adore this situation – how amazing to be able to wipe out zombie apocalypse with just books. I think I would pick The Fault in Our Stars from John Green. I actually really enjoyed the book, but when it came out – well you couldn’t get away from it. Maybe I’m just too old. 

Image result for TFIOS

2) A Sequel: Let’s say you’ve just left the salon with a SMASHING new haircut and BOOM: Torrential downpour. What sequel are you willing to use as an umbrella to protect yourself?

I can’t lie I did actually enjoy the second book in the Fifty Shades trilogy and I mean that in the kind of trashy way that I think everyone that enjoys 50 shades does. There’s no shame – TRASH ROMANCE IS OKAY. However, the third book was just goddamn disappointing. It just got UBER boring and I can’t lie, I didn’t finish it. 

Image result for fifty shades of grey third book


3) A Classic: Let’s say you’re in a lecture and your English teacher is going on and on about how this classic changed the world, how it revolutionized literature and you get so sick of it that you chuck the classic right at his face because you know what? This classic is stupid and it’s worth detention just to show everyone how you feel! What Classic did you chuck?

This book was just hell to read. Not only did it send me to sleep on numerous occasions, but it was impossible to finish. I have still never finished it, and you know what #noregrets. 

Image result for great expectations book cover

4) Your Least Favourite Book of Life!: Let’s say that you’re hanging out at the library when BAM global warming explodes and the world outside becomes a frozen wasteland. You’re trapped and your only chance for survival is to burn a book. What is the book you first run to, your least favourite book of all life, what book do you not fully regret lighting?

THIS BOOK IS ONE OF THE WORST BOOKS I’VE MAYBE EVER READ. I think it would be a service to the reading community if this book was just taken to save the world from global warming. If you want to read my whole review it’s here. 


If you’d like to do this tag – feel free to take the questions from here. Please tweet me (@littlebookblog1) a link to your answers if you choose to do it and have a beautiful day. 

3 Days, 3 Quotes Tag! Day Threee


It is daaaay three and I think I left the best till last because it’s from a book that I read recently – THE ROSIE PROJECT.  I absolutely adored this book and reviewed this week which was actually a really exciting and interesting review to write.

What I adored during the book was the speech of Don and how he communicates with different characters throughout the book. This quote below is one of my favourites from the book.


Don Tillman, professor of genetics, has never been on a second date. He is a man who can count all his friends on the fingers of one hand, whose lifelong difficulty with social rituals has convinced him that he is simply not wired for romance. However he must concede to the statistical probability that there is someone for everyone, and he embarks upon The Wife Project. In the orderly, evidence-based manner with which he approaches all things, Don sets out to find the perfect partner. She will be punctual and logical—most definitely not a barmaid, a smoker, a drinker, or a late-arriver.

Yet Rosie Jarman is all these things. She is also beguiling, fiery, intelligent—and on a quest of her own. She is looking for her biological father, a search that a certain DNA expert might be able to help her with. Don’s Wife Project takes a back burner to the Father Project and an unlikely relationship blooms, forcing the scientifically minded geneticist to confront the spontaneous whirlwind that is Rosie—and the realization that love is not always what looks good on paper.


So there we go – the end of the three day quote challenge and it’s been a hella load of fun to be honest with you. I now tag for the last post Lindsey from A Rambling Reviewer. Thank you so much if you decide to take part in any of the quote posts and I hope you enjoyed the ones I picked! Have a fantastic day readers. 


3 days, 3 quotes, tag! Day 2.


Hellllllo and welcome back to the THREE DAYS THREE QUOTES TAAAAAAGGG. After being tagged in this many a time I’ve decided to finally to complete it and share some fantastic quotes with you.

I want to do a life update soon because there’s quite a few things I have to share with you and I want to write a post about it, but I really want to cover wherever I live with hella bookish quotes. Not just these ones but a selection – maybe some of these will make it because I tend to prefer less well known quotes but we’ll see.


I’ve chosen this quote because, I feel like this is a bit of a book that has been forgotten. The noughts and crosses series was the first YA book/series that I really, really read. I adored this series of books and yet I don’t this it’s got the recognition it deserved. I also adore Malorie Blackma’s writing just generally and I really need to read more.

If you haven’t read/heard of the Nought’s and Crosses book here’s the blurb, although I hope you have! It’s a fantastic series.


Two young people are forced to make a stand in this thought-provoking look at racism and prejudice in an alternate society.

Sephy is a Cross — a member of the dark-skinned ruling class. Callum is a Nought — a “colourless” member of the underclass who were once slaves to the Crosses. The two have been friends since early childhood, but that’s as far as it can go. In their world, Noughts and Crosses simply don’t mix. Against a background of prejudice and distrust, intensely highlighted by violent terrorist activity, a romance builds between Sephy and Callum — a romance that is to lead both of them into terrible danger. Can they possibly find a way to be together?

^ this book broke me and the series even more.

SO, today I’m tagging M from M Read’s Books so complete this tag and come back tomorrow for another quote! 

3 days, 3 quotes, tag! Day 1.


Helllllo readers, there are actually going to be a couple more posts this week because I’ve been tagged in the Three Quotes Tag! I’ve been tagged in this before but I’ve actually never completed it and I thought it was time to. Thank you to Michaella at My Book Maniac Life  for tagging me and let’s get onto the post.


Thank the person who nominated you
Post a quote for 3 consecutive days (1 quote for each day)
Nominate three new bloggers each day


I’ve decided to pick quotes that I think are just really special and that you might write really nicely in a fancy font and frame and pop on your wall because we all need those once in a while.

ANNNND because, now T and I are trying to do the whole living together thingy I NEED TO GET MORE OF THESE QUOTES EVERYWHERE. 

So there we go my first quote of the day post #wooo

Today I’m tagging Lauren Lola, from Lola By The Bay – look forward to a new quote tomorrow!

The Secret Life of a Book Blogger

Quick Tips for Uber Drivers from a Passenger

Hellllllo readers, hope you’re having a lovely Friday. It’s been a long week but blogging honestly has been getting me through. I think when I took by blogging break I forgot how therapeutic writing about something, anything other than how you’re feeling really freaking works.

So today I’m going to write about blogging – and I found this on the fantastic ‘Read At Midnight,’ which is looked after by the equally wonderful Aentee. It’s a beautiful blog and one you should go take a look at. 

How long have you been a blogger?

I’ve been blogging since April 2013 – SAY WHA. I can’t believe how long it’s been honestly, it’s slightly terrifying. I think which means I’ve been blogging 3 and a half years? It feels a lot longer than that but in a good way. Totally.

At what point do you think you’ll stop blogging?

Honestly, I don’t think there’s a time when I won’t be blogging or writing somewhere. I think over the past year my blog has really changed and I was really worried about it moving away from books but now I’ve taken a blogging break I think there’s definitely more I could be doing to take this down a more vibrant but definitely bookish path.

What is the best thing about blogging?

Really? That I get to share my personal opinions on books and getting to read more fantastic books than I ever could have imagined. I’ve met some pretty fantastic authors too who have always made me feel pretty wonderful.

What is the worst thing? What do you do to make it OK?

I can’t lie I’ve never been very social and or made a hella load of friends via this blog because it’s not the kind of person I am. I struggle enough to maintain friendships with the people I love offline. I’ve struggled at times with the blogging community and the negativity that does appear at time.

I’ve always been able to separate the two things but I’ve seen mean things said, I’ve seen things taken in a much more negative way than they should have been, I mean I was almost ‘named and shamed once’ because of something I wrote.

I think eventually I would like to contribute more and make more *friends* but for now I’m happy in my own little world.

Quick Tips for Uber Drivers from a Passenger (1)

How long does it take you to make/find pictures to use?

It depends. I tend to rely on this type of image that doesn’t take too long ^. I do want to start taking my own new photographs but we’ll see.

Who is your book crush?

Amber from The Chocolate Run, she is almost everything that I’m not and almost everything that I want to be. She’s insecure but she has this air of self-confidence that helps her through those wobbles. She also is so good at being on her own – I FIND IT SO BLOODY HARD. 

What author would you like to have on your blog?

Though she would intimidate the shit out of me and I would never be able to even look her in the eye, let alone ask questions, I would love to have Catherynne Valente and her beautiful mind featured on this blog. I love her books, I love her personal blog, I just love every single word that she produces.

What do you wear when you write your blog post?

PAJAMAS, or if I’m blogging on my lunch break some kind of legging/cardigan/top/necklace combo. I’m sure I probably look alright though.

Quick Tips for Uber Drivers from a Passenger (2)

How long does it take you to prepare?


what does that even mean?! I am a spontaneous kinda gal. We’ll see how it goes.

How do you feel about the book blogger community?

It’s fantastic – BOOK BLOGGERS are bladdy fantastic. The rest of the blogging community can get a little stressful sometimes. I know we’re all bloggers but the book bloggers are just so much nicer.

What do you think one should do to get a successful blog?

Someone that blogs to share, to create and to be a nice human. That is all you need to do

So there you go – my thoughts on the whole blogging lark. Didn’t mean to get too grumpy because ya know not my kinda scene. Have a fantastic Friday lovelies and please tag me if you decide to do the tag!!

We Know What New Book You Should Read This Faaaaaalll

We Know What New Book You Should Read This Fall

Okay, okay, excuse the use of the word fall but Buzzfeed think they can guess what book I should read so I thought I would try it out. I barely know what book I should read next especially if I was trying to make it seasonal so we’ll see. What do Buzzfeed think I should read next? 

WHere would you most enjoy spending fall?





Sri Lanka

On a road trip across America 

New Jersey

I would definitely pick the road trip to America with a hella massive group of friends. I really, really, reallllly want to go to America and I think a road trip would be the best way to see as much as possible. 

WHat is your ideal fall activity?


Playing Backgammon

Bonding with your family

Inheriting a house

Getting your life together

Meeting an old friend

Starting a new relationship

Being a part of a love triangle

Fighting for your freedom

Fighting for your survival

God that’s a lot of choice there! I think maybe sorting my life out? There’s a lot of things I need to sort out at the moment and maybe reading about other people trying to get their life together will make me feel better! 

Pick a number







whaaaaaa Buzzfeed? HOW IS THIS GOING TO HELP. Right, I’m going with 368 for no reason at all 

PICK some orchard apples

I picked this one? I don’t know why but I did.

Have some pumpkin pie

I picked this image for this question – once again no idea why.

andddddd the answer is…..

You got: “The Wangs vs. the World” by Jade Chang

Jade Chang’s debut novel “The Wangs vs. the World” follows Taiwanese-born American businessman Charles Wang, who must unite his children to start fresh in China after losing his fortune to the 2008 recession. The Wangs set off on a road trip across the country, all the way struggling to deal with their new financial situation — and each other. Highly entertaining and often laugh-out-loud funny, “The Wangs vs. the World” shows the often surprising ways hardship can bring a dysfunctional family closer together as well as what it means to be an immigrant in America today. Publication date: Oct. 4

^ So, there we go. That’s the book for me to read this fall – you can take the quiz here! Otherwise I’m off to add this to my Amazon basket.

Do You Actually Have Good Taste In Books?

Do You Actually Have Good Taste In Books-

HELLLLLLLOOOOOO READERS, it’s FRIYAY and I’m pretty excited for this tag. I found this on Buzzfeed (one of my favourite sites) and I thought I would try it out! If you want to the quiz on the Buzzfeed site, here is a LINKBut here are all the questions and I’m going to answer them and see how many that you agree with.

It has to be Paperback right? I have tiny, tiny arms that make carrying Hardbacks really tough.  I love hardbacks but I have so little space for books anyway that paperbacks have to be the answer.

HARRRRYYY POTTTTERRR! I’ve never been a massive LOTR’s fan. I’ve spoken about this maybe a million times before but HP is just ma fave. I think it’s most people’s fave – although T still hasn’t finished them all and this massively upsets me.

OLD BOOOOKS. I absolutely adore the smell of old books and new books actually, but maybe old more? Although it’s so dangerous smelling books in shops JIC someone sees you aha.

Stephen King – neither of them are authors I read a lot by but I think King just about trumps Stine.

……….. Neither? Okay, Okay, if I HAD to pick I would choose Fantasy but there are so many genres I would prefer to read; historical fiction, YA, romance, memoir. The LIST GOES ON.

I like both, but I think indoors, looking at the outdoors. Like when you’re reading and it starts to the rain and it feels SO BLOODY COSY, or when it’s super sunny but you know if you move outside you’re going to be bitten by some kinda bug or get burnt or whatever. Both, but indoors.

God these questions – NEITHER AGAIN. But if I had to pick one – 50 shades, because I cannot stand Twilight. It’s not my thing.

This one is going to be a two part answer – Lizzy that doesn’t have to pay rent, and student loans and buy food and pay for 3454344 trains (literally that is how many trains I have to use maybe every 3 weeks,) would say 10000000% million percent bookshops.

The Lizzy that is really broke says online. I’m terrible. I know this.

Oh Gatsby. I haven’t even read The Catcher in the Rye yet cause I’m a nob.

Fiction, FICTION, FICTIONNNN. I love non-fiction but I prefer it in television documentaries or in movies? Saying that anything on The Titanic I am all over.

I HAVE NEWS, I have started properly, properly, properly, using bookmarks. Not always a bookmark, I mean train tickets, or a page from an SEO report I’ve just written, or a receipt, BUT IT’S BETTER THAN DOG-EARING.


Is that even allowed? Are you allowed to ask that question – it doesn’t seem fair. I would have to pick Roald Dahl though.

Audio book! Although I don’t buy them enough because they’re often kinda expensive and I get so many Ebooks because ya know, ARC copies.

I think when I did it I got 10 “right” as in they matched with other humans that took the quiz? Let me know which questions you agree with and which ones you’re a little unsure about. Also have a fantastic day readerrrs!

Pokemon Go Book Tag


Disclaimer:  Pokemon Go belongs to Niantic and Nintendo, please don’t sue me.

Okay, I just want to say a massive thank you to Aentee @ Read at Midnight for such a bloody fantastic tag. Firstly what a clever idea, and secondly the imagery is GORGEOUS. Also I thought I would just let you know – I TRIED MY BEST TO NOT GET POKEMON, then I gave in, downloaded it and reached level 20 and joined team Instinct so. There we go.


NIL. Link back to my blog is appreciated but optional. Feel free to use my graphics. Tag people, don’t tag people, whatever. Just have fun!


When I played Pokemon on le Gameboy I always picked Squirtle but I said I wouldn’t get obsessed with Pokemon Go so I just randomly clicked Charmander. Now I’ve never seen a Bulbasaur. (SAD FACE) 

For the bookish equivalent, some of my first English language books were by Roald Dahl, Jacqueline Wilson and the Judy Moody books. I was lucky at school that I was pretty good at reading and could read whatever I wanted but those were some of ma faves.


I still haven’t encountered a Pikachu in the game but I did help T pick him as a starter and then he found both Squirtle and Charmander on his first day! 

Iconic classic I’ll always love? I’m not going to pick HP because I’m sure everyone will so I’m going to pick  The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. It’s a beautiful book and it’s such a fun book to read.


GO AWAY ZUBAT – seriously if you’re playing Pokemon I bet you’ve SERIOUSLY had a friggen nuff of Zubat. 

I think maybe Harry Potter and The Cursed Child – I thought about reading it but I’ve kinda changed my mind now. We’ll see – maybe I’ll get back into it.


Look how cute Ditto issss, although very, very elusive. 

Hmmmmmmm I think maybe Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84 and maybe Out by Nastsuo KIrino. I’m not saying that these books are similar because they are placed in the same location and therefore have the same cultural/social themes. I mean they do but that’s not why I’ve picked them.

They both have the same languid but heavily description based writing style. They really focus in on the action, but in a spot that you wouldn’t always be looking. They take your eye away from the main screen and direct you towards something else – it’s a really fascinating technique which not only engrosses you further in the book but forces you to see what the author is seeing. Both in their own rights are fantastic authors.


I actually have a snorlax called Snorzy and he is my favourite pokemon. EVA. 

LOLOLOLOLOL Game of Thrones. I really want a series to get into and I think this one could be the one but it’s so terrifying that I don’t know what to do with myself. I wouldn’t be worried about spoilers because I tend to come to things like 1458959940 years too late – like I just finished Prison Break and House of Cards in the last few months, but the sheer size of GOT is scary. Like hella scary.


I love Gengar, love him but I don’t have one yet! I do have a Haunter though which is pretty sweet so we’ll see. Ghastly’s are pretty common where I am. 

I’m currently reading Hard Girls by Martina Cole. It’s not very scary but the fact that I’m 300 pages in and still WE HAVE NO IDEA WHO THE KILLER IS. It’s firstly a little frustrating but it’s actually the first serial killer book I’ve read that’s focused so much on the actual lives of the detectives solving the puzzle. I just want to get through it now and find out what happens.


I REALLLLLLY REALLLLLY want a Nidoking, but one hasn’t appeared for me yet. Maybe soon, we’ll see. 

I’ve always wanted Luna and Neville to get together because I think they would be just perfect! I love how geekishly similar they are (in a good way,) but then they’re both just freakishly brave and awesome too.


HOW FREAKING COOL IS RAPIDASH. I haven’t even spotted this one yet. Great job Lizzy and your rubbish tracking skills. 

I’m going to go for Reinheit by Thomas Flowers, not only is he an indie author so that’s pretty cool but also it’s a really exciting, heart plummeting book. Perfection. See my review HERE too  


I know Eevee’s are super-duper common but I love seeing them – I think Vaporeon is my favorite but I cannot wait for the other evolution’s of Eevee to join Pokemon Go. 

I think I would have to pick The Nighthawk Series by Rachael Richey. I know that I’m actually behind on this because I’m actually currently super addicted to crime novels with serial killers because I’m cool, but I will get round to reading all of these.

I feel like this is a series that could go on for agez – in a good way.


I currently have 73 Magikarp candies which is so many any from the 400 I think I need? How have people caught so many Magikarps. ARE PEOPLE CHEATING.

I think I’m going to pick The End of the World Running Club. I picked this up in the London Euston WhSmith with no information really on what the book was about and I don’t normally do that because TRAIN STATIONS BOOKSTORES ARE SO EXPENSIVE.  This however was super good, see my review HERE.


Probably will never ever get these Pokemon but a girl can dream. 

I also like Aentee have still not read the Percy Jackson series but it’s been on my TBR list in the past so maybe I will still give it a go. I need a new series to read because I want to create a couple of new features on my blog and I think ‘LIZZY ACTUALLY READS POPULAR BOOK SERIES’ could be a good one? We’ll see – this could be the first series.


I thing back in the day Char actually caught a Mew but we couldn’t control it at all! I don’t know whether the game spammed or anything but it was just a bloody nightmare but we did catch one. 

This Sherlock Holmes set is utterly stunning and T and I have a bit of a thing where we try to outdo each other on the presents we get each other. SOOOO….. *hint hint nudge nudge*


Is it just me or do 10K eggs actually never, ever, ever appear. I’ve had one so far which is so frustrating because HOW AM I GOING TO GET AN ONIX.

Debut novel I’m excited for? This one.



I’ve used a couple of Lure’s because the Whether-spoons (#classy) in Hanley is a Pokestop and for some reason you can get GPS inside. I mean it’s not particularly social but take a couple of friends who are also addicted to Pokemon and it’s a pretty great social excursion. 

Auto-buy? I would have said J K Rowling but I haven’t been able to buy Harry Potter and The Cursed Child because I’m not sure I’m ready for it. I think maybe Dorothy Koomson. Her books always make me smile at least.


I haven’t actually experienced the server’s being down because TYPICAL LIZZY LATE TO THE PARTY  it was over a month after in launched in the UK that I downloaded Pokemon, but yes this would be annoying. 

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE  a sequel to Remember to Breathe by Simon Pont but I’m pretty sure that’s never ever going to happen. We’ll see eh.

RIGHT, I think I have completely given away how obsessed I am with Pokemon Go and how I should keep it as far away from my blog as possible. This tag was utterly fantastic and took me forever to do but I loved it! If you do want to do the tag I’ve linked the original post above so enjoy! AND GO TEAM INSTINCT.