Dragon Loyalty Award for My Little Book Blog

Hellllllo readers and happy Friday; woohooooo. Lots of really exciting posts this week and an award for mylittlebookblog. I really love these because I’ve recently been following and reading a lot more blogs and I’ve got lots to share some new, some I’m an avid follower of, but either way all brilliant.

 Thank you to Sarah at ‘Brainfluff; Curious corners of a writer’s cluttered mind,’ for nominating me, you can see her blog here and it is definitely worth a wander around. Her comments on my postings often make my day and her posts are insightful and beautifully written.

 The rules are:-

  Display the award certificate on your website.

Announce your win with a post, and link to whomever presented your award.

Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers.

 Drop them a comment to tip them off after you’ve linked them in the post.

 Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

So, my 15 (cough ten) nominees are in no particular order:

Amanda @ Chocolate Pages

Day time Reading 

Jessica @ A Book can be a star

Sarah @ Sarah’s Bookshelf

Ryan @ Ryan’s Book review

Bronagh @ Bronagh’s Beauty and Books 

Mara @ Across the Books 

Tasha @ That Little Blog of Everything  

Stefani @ Caught Read Handed 

Lizzy @ Lizzy reads books 

 Now I have to think about seven things about me…

1)       I am a terribly nostalgic human being. I recently bought a PS2 which I’ve never owned or anything like it, so I could play a game my former best friend and I used to play as kids. I also currently have a desire to buy a Tamagotchi but I have to resist. *I am an adult, now repeat*

2)       My favourite hangover cure is fizzy water, with lime if I can stomach it and salt and vinegar spiral crisps

3)       I’ve still not read anything by Virginia Woolf or Orson Welles

4)       I still sleep with a cuddly Eeyore because he is the bestest

5)       I am forever cold; all through July I wore ‘the winter cardi,’ most days of the week because the office is forever freezing

6)       I hate hand shaking, give me a hug instead please

7)       I’ve only just signed up for Net Galley and feel like I’m an old timer cause I have no idea what I’m doing

8)       Chicken and sweetcorn sandwiches are the best sandwiches, no question

9)       I liked to eat my chips with a mixture of ketchup and mayo and I have no regrets

10)    I’m currently really considering getting myself a tattoo but worry about it stretching/going terribly wrong/ I end up hating it, but it’s on the cards soon I think.

I’ve just realised I’ve written ten, my mother always used to say Lizzy, make sure you read the question. This time I failed but here is the end of the tag. Thank you to Sarah for nominating me once again and I cannot wait to tell these lovely bloggers they’ve been nominated by yours truly!

Sisterhood of The World Blogger’s Award

Hellllllo dear readers, my little book blog has been nominated for another blogging award *cheers.* I must admit I haven’t done one of these for a little while because I haven’t had a lot of time for following new blogs, but in the last couple of days I have followed some stunners so imma going to share them with you, and answer some questions from the brilliant blogger, Helen who nominated me. You lovely thing you; definitely check out her blog it is on pointe. Yes it is.

The Rules If You Didn’t Know Already:

Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site. (check)

Put the Award logo on your blog. (check)

Answer the ten questions sent to you. (yesss sir)

Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.

Nominate ten (doing eight) blogs. (I’ve done half *sorry*)

Helen’s Questions:

Have you got any author’s signatures? Whose?

 I have the author Adrian Townsend’s from when he came into school back in the day.  To my knowledge that is the only one.

 Has a book ever really changed the way you feel about something?

 This is a great question. I think reading ‘Of Mice and Men,’ really showed me that reading classic books didn’t have to be intimidating and that I could really enjoy them. Before I thought they were tired and tedious but I think it was being forced to read them in education that made me so against reading books from the “cannon.” Discovering Giovanni’s room, Bukowski and more of Orwell’s writing has really opened a new world of reading for me.

 Do you think all books should be available in every language? Why/ why not?

 I think if there’s a demand for the book, why not?


 Do you judge a book by its cover?

I honestly try not to judge books by their cover but I think it happens because it’s the first thing you see when picking up a book or selecting it from Amazon or Goodreads. I think you can really get a taste from the book inside from the cover and I have picked books because of it before. I’m a fickle reader sometimes but I will eternally read the blurb before buying a copy.

 What is the worst book you have ever read?

 I don’t know. I’ve read some awful books in my time but a number have been bloody appalling. My go to awful book is I really really want it by Andrew Manning. Startlingly awful.

 What was the book that got you into reading?

 Conan Doyle and his Sherlock Holmes books; hands-down.


 Where is your favourite place to read?

 Like I can sleep pretty much anywhere, I tend to read pretty much everywhere. I think my favourite in the winter is probably snuggled up in bed with a blanket in my pyjamas. In the summer it would have to be, in the garden, cider in hand with a tub of salt and vinegar Pringle. Gah summer days are coming *mini-fist-pump.*

 Bookmarks or dog-ears?

 I hate myself for saying this but dog-ears. I hate myself for it but bookmarks and I do not mix. I keep one for a matter of days and then lose it in my bed or on the floor or in my handbag. One day I will conquer my habit of folding corners but for now, I am an utter failure.

Do you think you could write a book that someone would publish, if you wanted to? No being modest PLS

I’m going to say, hopefully? I’m currently in the stages of pencilling out a book and have written a few thousand words so it would be wonderful to get it finished and published. As to whether it will ever come about. No frickin clue.


 Do you know any writers?

Depends what you mean by know. I guess for me, communicating, emailing, tweeting, reading and reviewing books from certain authors that I continue to come back to time and time again it feels like I know them. I guess in terms of my own friendship group, the answer would be no, but from blogging I feel like it has to be a yes.

My questions for the Nominees:

What do you currently have checked out from the library?

Do you prefer to read one book at a time or several at once?

Have your reading habits changed since starting a blog?

Open the book closest to you and open to page 54. Write the first line.

If you have to choose a book to describe your life right now what would it be?

Worst book habit (I love reading these)

Which three attributes do you think make for a great book?

What is your number one tip for encouraging children to read?

Name three books you wish you’d written.

Finally…. Most intimidating book you’re too nervous to begin








Mylittlebookblog nominated for The Creative Blogger Award


So, I haven’t done a blogging award style post in a little while because although I love nominating people and writing out these posts recently I’ve just felt a little odd accepting them, I’m not sure why. However one that has so far eluded me is the Creative Blogger Award. It’s sods law isn’t it, but I received two nominations for this award this week so thank you to both Jo at trifuioana.wordpress.com and Casey who runs inspiredbythepage.wordpress.com. I do think blogging awards are a wonderful way of showing people blogs you really enjoy reading. I know these awards often want you to nominate fifteen or more but I’ve decided to pick six really great blogs that I wanted to share with you.

 The Rules

 Nominate 15-20 (cough six) blogs and notify all nominees via their social media or blogs

Thank the blogger who nominated you and post the link of said blog

Share five facts about yourself to your readers

So here are my nominations in no particular order: 

1) Rachael: http://rachaelritchey.com/

2) Tash: https://thebookiemonsters.wordpress.com/about/

3) Thimble and Rose: http://thimbleandrose.com/about/

4) Sam: https://bookbeatblog.wordpress.com/sam-i-am/

5) Melissa: https://readerlygeek.wordpress.com/about/

6) Tara: http://thebookwormhole.com/about/

Five Facts about Lizzy from mylittlebookblog (I was going to keep them creative, but then decided against it. Not sure why.)

1)      I recently found out that my white eyebrow and my white eyelashes are due to suffering from something called Vitiligo. I was reading a Buzzfeed long read and it was about someone that also suffered it. It’s not causing me any issues and I only have two or three patches on my stomach and one on the inside of my leg but it’s nice to finally give it a name

2)      I currently have two perfectly circular bruises next to each other on the side of my left knee. I have no idea how they got there but they’re a purplish addition to my pearly white legs

3)      These facts are a little weird, but, after a couple of months having my tragus piercing stuck in my ear it’s fallen out during the night and sealed itself right up. Nightmare.

4)      Little bit of a promotional spiel but on the 29th of April I will be celebrating the two year anniversary of mylittlebookblog! There are so many exciting things going to be posted between then and the 3rd of May so yes, come and back and read if you fancy.

5)      Finally, I’m about to eat a cup of leek and potato soup and that sounds pretty great

So five utterly odd and weird facts about me and congratulations to all nominated; I know some bloggers are adverse to these blogging awards but it’s also something a little different and lets me share with you all the blogs I’m utterly loving at the moment.


Versatile Blogger Award for mylittlebookblog

Morning readers, once again another apology for being review free for a little while now. I’ve been struggling a little with Girl 20 and although I’m really enjoying it, I’ve found if I read it alongside another book I’m getting a little confused so, for the first time in around eight months I’m sticking to one book at a time.This morning, however, I found myself nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by the lovely Gabi. I’m not sure whether I testify as a new-ish blogger with two years behind me but it’s a wonderful way to share blogs that I enjoy so I’m going to take part anyway and just to follow the blogger before I’m not to worry if they’re too new.
The Rules
1. Nominate 15 other relatively new(ish) bloggers
2. Let them know that you have nominated them
3. Post ten random facts about yourself
4.Be sure to thank the blogger(s) who nominated you and link back to their blog
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award image the the post
First things first thank you to Gabi for nominating me, you can see her blog here! I nominate
So I will let them all know of my nomination. Just a quick confession, these are mostly blogs I keep a vague eye on. I am so busy at the moment that I find it really tough to keep up with all the blogs I follow but for some reason or other these got a follow from me so congratulations (and there are a couple I’ve been reading for a long time.) Onto the ten facts about me
Ten Facts about me
1) I have eyes the colour of swamp sludge. They used to be quite brown in colour but now they are a rather deep swampy green
2) I sleep on my front. Apparently this is rather odd but I find it incredibly comfortable
3) I drink my coffee black with a sweetener, unless I’m in Costa and then you can order me a small skinny caramel latte thank you very much4) I posted about this yesterday but I’ve started writing my first book, we’ll have to see where it goes but fingers crossed this might actually get finished

5) Spiders terrify me. If there’s one in the shower I will wash my hair over the bath whilst keeping eye contact the entire time. I just can’t deal with them!

6) My little sister is one of my best friends. We went through the stage of utterly disliking each other but more recently in the past year or two our friendship has blossomed. I love her to bits

7) I currently have a bruise on the underside of my forearm and I have no idea where it came from. My ability to bruise is quite astounding

8) I have tiny feet, potentially due to my short height which makes me rather unbalanced at times however the chance to shop in the children’s department for smart black shoes saves me a ridiculous amount of money

9) I never wear trousers. This is an odd one but I hate wearing jeans, or trousers or leggings. I’m a dress and tights kind of girl.

10) I laugh when I’m nervous. It’s an odd laugh but if you hear me doing it and nothing that funny has happened, the nerves have definitely kicked in

So there you go, ten rather worthless but interesting facts about yours truly. I haven’t taken part in one of these nominations in a while but I thought it would be lovely to share with you some blogs I really enjoy. Congratulations to all nominated can’t wait to see your facts!

Inspiring blog award for mylittlebookblog!

So quite delightfully, mylittlebookblog has been once again nominated for a blogging award! I would never have described my blog as very inspiring, however it is lovely to think that some people do, it really does mean the world to me as a book blogger. However it means thinking up more facts about myself! However, saying that I have lots of amazing blogs to nominate! Now my first job is to thank you the blogger who nominated me and that is the brilliant Sandra Danby who you can check out here at: http://sandradanby.com! I recently reviewed her new book which you can check out here: https://mylittlebookblog.wordpress.com/2014/06/19/ignoring-gravity-sandra-danby!

So here are the rules….

Thank and link to the person who nominated you. List the rules and display the award. Share seven facts about yourself. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated. Optional: display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you. However Sandra has included another part to the award and that is to mention the good things and bad things when book blogger so I’m going to start with that!

Things I really like:

  • Make it Personal: personal reviews with a real indepth understanding of the book! Don’t just tell me about the plot. Tell me how the characters made you feel, how the writing style played out throughout, the feel of the book.
  • Clean: A clearly set out blog, that’s easy on the eye but easy to navigate. Sometimes I am on a book blog and think goodness there is no way I’m going to find what I’m looking for! Set it out so the reader can use the blog easily.
  • Mix it up: I love reviews, but contrast them with other bits, maybe a photograph, a quote, an interesting item you’ve found online, a quiz about books, or a link that I can go to. Give the reader something to get their teeth into, comment on, reblog. Not only does it allow me to get involved with your blog but it helps you understand what your readers want.

Things I don’t really like:

  • Too Short: short reviews that are only a plot summary and are hashed together from Amazon and Good Reads. Try and get something in there that will give the reader an idea what the book will be, not just what it’s about.
  • Ratings: Mmm, I’m not huge fan of star ratings. This is because a book may be a four star book for description but a two star for character build up. It’s so subjective based on so many different factors that I think it’s better to describe the factors instead of rating it with a star based on averages.
  • Negatives: If there is something about a book that you don’t like, explain it. I have rarely read a book that is absolutely perfect on all bases, so don’t hide away your emotions in fear of upsetting someone! Tell me truthfully what you thought! However don’t be cruel and give positives to show the bits that you did enjoy.

SO, seven facts about me!

  1. MummaB recently bought me a new suitcase and I am in love with it! It’s black with pink flamingos on it and it is gorgeous. (Yes, a suitcase can be gorgeous)
  2. I currently have purple painted toenails (although they are currently hidden under my rather comfy slanket)
  3. I am obsessed with pugs
  4. I wish I could play the guitar
  5. I start my internship tomorrow and I am really excited but a little nervous
  6. I ate vodka jelly, and I can confirm that jelly is still not ok
  7. I don’t like blackcurrent things….icky

So slight confession, I answered one of these very recently so I’m being naughty and only recommending 10 blogs, so here they are…. READY, SET, GO!

  1. http://thebookishgirlnextdoor.wordpress.com/
  2.  http://emzsnow.wordpress.com/
  3.  http://beckysblogs.wordpress.com/
  4. http://librarianwhodoesntsayshhh.com/
  5. http://tsemrys.com/
  6. http://theftandsorcery.wordpress.com/
  7. http://rosieamber.wordpress.com/
  8. http://accidentalmoments.wordpress.com/
  9. http://shirleyfrancesbooksandmore.wordpress.com/
  10. http://kddidit.wordpress.com/

There we go, phew!

Inspiring Blogger award for mylittlebookblog

I was shocked to see that I had been nominated for two awards this week! The first thing to say is a huge thank you to https://amandasnoseinabook.wordpress.com for nominating me for this award. I always feel so priviledged when people nominate my blog for any awards, not only does it let me know that people are enjoying my blog but it also allows me to nominate new blogs and spread the word to my readers!

Here are the rules for this blogger award:

1.Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you. 2.List the rules and display the award. 3.Share seven facts about yourself. 4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated. 5.Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

Seven Facts About Me:

  1. mylittlebookblog means so much to me; blogging has become an incredibly important part of my life, and I can’t imagine not reading, writing, editing or just replying to emails every day from you lovely readers. I just wish I’d started it sooner! I hope it will continue to grow and I will continue to receive more books in which to read and review.
  2. I really would like to learn how to sew or knit. Watching the show the Great British Sewing Bee when it was on a number of months ago really inspired me to learn something new! Being someone who also spends a ridiculous amount of money on clothes I hope that learning to sew will help me to curb my spending habit and allow me to make beautiful things.
  3. I am a city girl at heart, and I think it has come mostly from living in the countryside, being isolated from almost everyone. Coming back from university to the tiny village of Silverstone (or Silvy as we call it) has shown me how detached I am from everyone else! I cannot wait to live in a city, to walk around in the bustling streets. Maybe one day I will move back to the country but for now I’m desperate to live in the bright lights of the city!
  4. I beome an actual adult on the 26th of July! Its pretty exciting, and I can’t wait to celebrate turning 21 with my favourite people in the world!
  5. I am addicted to Pringles (No more to say on the matter!)
  6. My parents think I am terrible at cooking, but I’ve actually been getting pretty good at it! I often don’t have the time but when I do I’m pretty epic. Oh, and I make a mean curry!
  7. I have never seen Star Wars, and I do not intend to! It’s just not my thing!

Here are my nominations!

  1. http://www.travellingbookjunkie.com/
  2. http://overhearingwisdom.wordpress.com/
  3. http://bitterballenbruid.com/
  4. http://memoirsofaflashpacker.com/
  5. http://thisblondereads.wordpress.com/
  6. http://lilysbookblog.com/
  7. http://kariwetzel.com/
  8. http://thebookloversboudoir.wordpress.com/
  9. http://missbookreviews.wordpress.com/
  10.  http://hannahfergesen.wordpress.com/

I only have ten nominations! But congratulations to them all! 🙂




The Liebster Award

Morning Little Bloggers! I have once again, delightfully, been nominated for the Liebster Award! Personally, I think these awards are brilliant for recommending different blogs and letting people know what incredible work certain bloggers are doing and it makes me especially proud that people still nominate me for awards! (It lets me know I’m still doing a good job here at mylittlebookblog! I was nominated by the brilliant http://likewishingforrain.wordpress.com, so if you have a second check her blog outtttt! (I hadn’t come across her blog until now and I am now a  follower and you should be too!) So firstly I have to write 11 facts about myself!

1) I recently, after many months of waiting for it to heal, had my rook bar changed and it is looking sparkly and lovely!

2) My ultimate girly and probably favourite film is the incredibly moving Titanic

3) I have two books I NEED to read at the moment, the first being The Fault in our Stars, and the second being George Orwell’s 1984

4) I adore the colour pink, but as a child I detested it

5) I am terrible at wrapping presents, most recently seen on Father’s Day (rather embarrassingly)

6) I cannot walk in high-heels…I will…one day!

7) I am afraid of almost all creepy crawlies 😦

8) I have tiny feet

9) I hate horror films of any kind; I think it comes from having such a vivid imagination!

10) Left handed…. 

11) Always mentioned in these facts, is that I have an ultimate hate of jelly..it is horrible. (Lets just not go there!)

Right, so now I need to answer 11 questions set by the blogger who nominated me!

1) What’s the closest thing to you (physically) that’s blue?

A book, unsuprisingly! ‘The Racketeer by John Grisham!

2) If you had £10,000 to give to someone, whether you know them personally or not, who would it be and why?

Mumma B, she has given me so many things in life; I would put her on a plane to American and then to Australia! (Maybe she would let me come with!)

3) What’s the thing you regret most?

Worrying about what people have thought about me…it’s just not worth it. If they care so little to talk about you behind your back, at some point they are going to drift out of your life, and you will be the one wasting time worrying!

4) What’s your favourite thing to cook?


5) Favourite word?

Effervescent….or gelato

6) What was the last film you watched?

Last night we watched ‘I give it a year!’ Pretty odd film!

7) What’s your biggest pet peeve?


8) Favourite saying?

Don’t regret anything, because at one time you thought it could make you happy!

9) What do you worry about the most?

Not getting into the publishing buisness; it’s been tough so far and I’m only 20 so we’ll have to see!

10) Do you prefer yourself with straight or curly hair?

Curly, curly, curly!

11) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I would love to see myself as an editor at a publishing house, hopefully living with someone, and owning the cutest little pug.

Right, so now I need to nominate blogs! Here we go!




and…here are your 11 questions!

1) Describe your blog in three words?

2) If you could live the life of a character in any book who would it be?

3) If you suddenly found £500 pounds in your wallet, that had magically appeared but you had to spend it that day, what would you do with it?

4) What cocktail describes you best?

5) Favourite childhood author?

6) You are in the middle of a zombie attack, and you can only grab one item from your bathroom to protect yourself…what would it be?

7) Coke or Pepsi?

8) Music act you would most like to see live in concert?

9) Do you have any tattoos? If yes..what? and if no…are you planning on any?

10) Harry Potter or Twilight?

11) What are your thoughts on jelly?

Slightly random questions, as I am in a slightly random mood! Enjoy!






The Quartet of Radiance Award!

Wow, just wow. I have been nominated quite incredibly for the blog award the ‘The Quartet of Radiance.’ I have had such a brilliant week with my blog and I’m hoping that it’s just going to keep going! This is a good sign that it might! Thank you so much to http://thoughtsfromthespareroom.wordpress.com/ for nominating me! I am always shocked when I receive nominations and this was no different, but it came at the perfect time and that makes me just so grateful! So, without further-ado here are the rules!

Thank the blog that nominated you
Nominate other blogs
Describe yourself using the alphabet
Notify your nominees
Have a fabulous day!

I nominate! 



and finally 


a) Ambitious: Ask anyone close to me to describe me in three words; I reckon this would definitely be one of them.
b) Blogger: Blogging and being a blogger means everything to me! It’s become a huge part of my life and I don’t go a day without looking or editing mylittlebookblog. My blog has given me so much more that I physically thought it could and it seems to be growing and developing more than I could ever have wished!
c) Cluttered: Although I spend my life making sure my blog is perfect I am not so perfect in real life, and currently my room is terribly cluttered!
d) Dedicated: I was going to use L for loyal but I had to blog about my little bunnies. I am an extremely dedicated and devoted person. Ask me to do something and I will do anything in my power to fulfil that! I hate to break promises to people so if you ask and I say no, it’s only because I know I can’t fulfil the ask. (Although this is rarely ever! See letter M!)
e) Ear Piercing: I recently got my rook pierced and I absolutely love it! I am now so tempted to get another but I think my family would not be happy!
f) Fragile: I bruise like a peach; every morning I wake with a bruise somewhere! It happens so often I just do not even bother to think about where it might have come from!
g) Gelato: I love the word gelato; it is so much better than the English; ice cream!
h) Happy: I am an extremely happy person! I am almost always on top of the world always striving to be my best and do my best! I also love the song that is currently doing the charts by Pharrell Williams, it is a beauty!
i) Historical Fiction: I don’t speak about it much on my blog but I have a huge love for historical fiction, I think it is just so, so, brilliant when done well, and if you can transport me to another era then I’m sold.
j) Jelly: I dislike jelly so much I think it has become a defining quality of my personality. I do not like the texture and it wobbles; not cool!
k) Kite: I love flying kites! Its something I have always loved doing and I hope to do more kite flying in the future; it just makes you feel so free it is extraordinary!
l) Lola: I have two bunnies, one called Lola and we used to have a bunny called Molly but she regrettably died recently so we have bought a new bunny from an owner that had no space for her. Her name is Barbeque…but we’re naming her Barbie. She is gorgeous and I cannot wait to meet her!
m) Mayhem: my life is spent running around all over the place, back and forth from university, to concerts, to rehearsals, dragging my cello with me all over the place…one day I would like to have a little more me time and spend it doing the things I want to do!
n) No-nonsense: Sometimes I’m told that I have a no-nonsense way of talking! I just like to get to the point; I’m not a fan of the wishy-washy!
o) Optimistic: I am one of those annoying people that can find a silver lining in any cloud!
p) Pepsi-max: If you ever need anything from me a can of Pepsi will suffice as a convincer! (Just make sure it’s ice-cold!)
q) Quirky: I said I wasn’t going to use this word but I really couldn’t think of anything else! Most of my friends think of me as the alternative one in the group. I’m pretty ordinary but I have certain quirks that set me aside!
r) Reviewer: I love to review and I have really started to hone my skills and transfer them to other parts of my life. The dream is to become a part-time freelance reviewer and I cannot wait!
s) Sewing: when I have my own place and a job, I would love to become acquired with a sewing machine and make my own dresses!
t) Talketive: I am a right chatterbox if you get me started on a topic that I’m passionate about…saying that I am also a very good listener and I know when to keep my mouth shut!
u) Urban: I love cities and I really want to one day move to London and live in a fancy apartment! (Well a girl can dream!)
v) Vibrant: I think this can be applied to my personality but also too my taste and skills! I am a very vibrant person and I think it is so important to always show who you are as brightly and as positively as possible!
w) Writer: Although I mostly write reviews I have written a number of short stories and I will continue to improve and hone my skills; maybe one day I’ll even publish my own book! (We’ll see….)
x) X: I always put kisses on the ends of my texts; it’s nice to let others know that they are loved even if it’s only on the end of a text message!
y) Yoghurt: I have a real love/hate relationship with yoghurt. Some times I really crave it and then sometimes it’s just a no. Odd eh?
z) Zodiac: I don’t really know what to think of horoscopes, but I’m a Leo and it really describes me perfectly!

That took a lot longer than I expected but I‘m done so now it’s on to my lovely nominees! Congratulations once again! 


The Cracking Chrispmouse Bloggwoggy Award

As I was answering the questions for the last award I suddenly remembered being awarded another award in early February! So, apologies for being so busy but thank you dearly to Cathy from beweenthelines, for once again nominating be for this award. (check her blog out at http://betweenthelinesbookblog.wordpress.com!)

So, once again there are a couple of rules, firstly display the award logo (check!)Image

Link back to the person who nominated you (check!)

State 7 things about yourself:

  1. I have tiny feet (they are only a size four!)
  2. Many people say I have huge eyes (and really long eyelashes!)
  3. I am currently writing a essay on the emotional labour of Disney land
  4. My boyfriend is amazing (he is making me a student survival box for my last couple of weeks at university!)
  5. In the last few weeks I have become addicted to chips, cheese and beans (mostly from late nights in the library!
  6. I am a Manchester City supporter!
  7. My bedroom is bright pink but I own no pink items of clothing

Nominate bloggers for the award and  notify those bloggers, (in progress!)





Congratulations to these bloggers! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!

The Lighthouse Award

Wow, another award for my blog I cannot believe it! When I started this blog almost a year ago I had no idea that it would become as popular as it has and to be nominated by another blogger is fantastic so thank you to, betweenthelinesbookblog.wordpress.com (if you have a minute check it out!) So, there a couple of rules, firstly display the Award Certificate on your blog, (check!)


Write a post and link back to the blogger that nominated you, (in progress!)

Inform your nominees of their award nominations. (also in progress!)

Share three ways that you like to help others. (check)

Firstly, reviewing books! The main reason for starting this blog was to help and share ideas about books with other readers. I have lots of ideas on books and I like to think that by sharing them I can help other readers find new books they may have missed!

Secondly I like to think that I am a very loyal friend and a good listener. I like to think that if anyone had a problem they could come to me for support and giggle and a good chin wag!

Finally, I am always one to buy a friend chocolate if they are down… and what could be better than that!

Nominate as many bloggers as you like (check)
Right, so here we go. I would like to nominate,




Apologies if you’re not a fan of awards on wordpress, but I enjoy your blogs so much I though they deserved a little appreciation!