Ten Characters I’d Name A Pug puppy after!


Halloo readers, hope you’re well! I’ve been lagging a little with the blog recently due to internet problems. It’s 2016 goddamnit and yet I still can’t get a good connection. However, tomorrow is a massive day for me, so I have been a little busy but I will make sure to update you. Kind of related to the big event tomorrow T and I have been talking about the pets we would both like to eventually have and a  Pug has been at the top of my list for many, many, many years (although T is more of a cat person). So this is the perfect challenge for me! ENJOY!

Atticus – From the author of To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee

Aslan From The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

Harper – From the author of To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee

Gale – From The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Amory – From This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald


Laila – From A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

Santiago – From The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Celie – From The Color Purple by Alice Walker

Micah – From Liar by Justine Larbalestier

Holden – From The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger


So there we go – a real mix of different characters although mainly male and I think I would like a female puppy but we’ll see.  I know none of these are that original but I like them all so happy days. If you have any ideas for names (or super cute dogs/cat breeds) then let me know in le comments! Have a super tuesday y’all.

Top Ten of the most vile bad guys (or gals) in books

Hellllllo readers , it’s Tuesday so it’s time for another Top Ten Tuesdaaaay and today we’re talking about BAD GUYS.  I, like any good reader, know that every story needs a bad guy even if it’s a very tame one. Today, however, I’m going to bring out the super bad guys – enjoy.

Nils Bjurman (The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo)

Nils Bjurman is a sexual sadist who manipulates and plays with the beloved Lisbeth only allowing access to her funds when she performs sexual acts. There is a terrifying rape scene and although Lisbeth does get her own back he is a utterly loathsome villain.

Napoleon (Animal Farm)

Napoeon is a proper bully isn’t he – not only does he oust the leader Snowball but he becomes the tyrannical dictator of Animal Farm. He begins to order the deaths of certain animals and ruins the tranquility that once ruled. What a nightmare.

Books On My Autumn Read List

HELLLLLLOOOO readers it’s another Tuesday and it’s time for another list of books that might take ten years for Lizzy to read. Ergh. These are books that are coming out in or after October so there’s a little time before you can get your mitts on them.

Also I’m tempted to start a new thing which is basically documenting my time journalling? I’m going to try a bullet journals, artistic journal, and just kinda writing stuff down. I’ll maybe let you know more in the future. For now books on my Autumn list (not fall – I’m British.)

Spare and Found Parts by Sarah Maria Griffin


Nell Crane has always been an outsider. In a city devastated by an epidemic, where survivors are all missing parts—an arm, a leg, an eye—her father is the famed scientist who created the biomechanical limbs everyone now uses. But Nell is the only one whose mechanical piece is on the inside: her heart.

Then she finds a mannequin hand while salvaging on the beach—the first boy’s hand she’s ever held—and inspiration strikes. Can Nell build her own companion in a world that fears advanced technology.

^ This just sounds bloody fantastic. I love books like this, slightly dystopian, probably kinda creepy, probably a little romance. I’m excited for this. 

The Other Einstein: A Novel by Marie Benedict


I promise I will write less on each of the descriptions just sometimes it’s difficult not to write lots. This book depicts the life of  Mileva “Mitza” Marić Einstein’s Wife. I think it could be super interesting.

If I Fix You by Abigail Johnson


This feels like one of your stereotypical YA books but the reviews are just too good to miss. The book talks about the leaving of the main character’s mother and the rumours and secrets that surround this. With a pinch of romance mixed in this looks like a stunner.

Be Good Be Real Be Crazy by Chelsey Philpot


I utterly adored Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour  and apparently this a book for you if you loved that so I’m up for it. A YA road trip to remember and to be honest, Be Good, Be Real, Be Crazy is a pretty good life motto.

We Are Still Tornadoes by Michael Kun and Susan Mullen


I’m really moving towards the romantic YA sweet story kinda books this post but I really want to have a really diverse list this week.

Growing up across the street from each other, Scott and Cath have been best friends their entire lives. Cath would help Scott with his English homework, he would make her mix tapes (it’s the 80’s after all), and any fight they had would be forgotten over TV and cookies. But now they’ve graduated high school and Cath is off to college while Scott is at home pursuing his musical dreams.

During their first year apart, Scott and Cath’s letters help them understand heartache, annoying roommates, family drama and the pressure to figure out what to do with the rest of their lives. And through it all, they realize that the only person they want to turn to is each other. But does that mean they should be more than friends?

The Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon


The Universe: Every moment in our lives has brought us to this single moment. A million futures lie before us. Which one will come true?

^ Okay maybe the list isn’t going to be so diverse but this is basically girl meets boy, with a little bit of science mixed in. I think the cover is gorgeous, the reviews are good and it would be a lovely little cosy read.

Dead Girls Society by Michelle Krys


Hope is sick of everyone treating her like she’s breakable. Sure, she has cystic fibrosis (basically really bad lungs), but she’s tired of being babied by her mom and her overprotective best friend, Ethan, not to mention worrying about paying for her expensive medication and how she’s going to afford college. And she’s bored with life in her run-down New Orleans suburb.

When an invitation arrives from a mysterious group that calls itself the Society, Hope jumps at the chance for some excitement. This could be her ticket out. All she has to do is complete a few dares and she might win some real money.

^ But I bet all is not as it seems. I love books like this, there’s a little danger, a little mystery and there’s excitement. I think this would be the perfect book to banish some winter blues.

Nerve by Jeanne Ryan


I saw the film of this recently and absolutely adored it although it did scare me a little. Not scared as in it was scary just very, very tense. It was a brilliant film and I really want to see how it was created from the book.

The Hermit by Thomas Rydahl, K.E. Semmel

The Hermit

Another murder mystery but this time it’s going to be solved by someone that is kinda cut off from the modern world.

The question is: can an old man who knows nothing about mobile phones, the internet or social media possibly solve a murder in the modern world, especially one that stretches far beyond the sandy beaches of Fuerteventura?

^ Pretty fricken cool no.

The Infinite by Nicholas Mainieri


I won’t put the wholeeeee blurb here but basically read it here – and then wait with trepidation like me for the book to come out.


I guess, there we are, ten books that I want to read in the Autumn. Let me know if you’ve read any of them or if there’s any that I’ve left off my list. Hope you enjoyed the list and have a fantastic Tuesday.


#TTT 10 books I want to listen to as audio-books

Hello readers! Hope you’re having a fantastic Tuesday and ready for another TTT. It’s a really interesting post today because I’ve been tempted to pay for audible for months now but I just don’t have a lot of time to listen. Now that I run a hell of a lot more I think it could be a good idea.

On another note if you think about listening the 1Q84 by Murakami it would take you 47 hours. #WHAAAAA. Enjoy the top ten audio books I want to listen to.

This Boy Audiobook

This Boy: a Memoir of a Childhood written and read by Alan Johnson

I started reading this book over a year ago and I just lost some steam reading it and gave up. It’s a beautiful memoir about growing up in the 50’s and the difficulties of living beneath the poverty line.  I really want to finish this.

The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo Audiobook

AMY SCHUMER HAS BEEN ALL OVER THE PLACE RECENTLY and I’ve kind of stayed away but I think it’s time to read a little more from Amy Shumer and report back to lovely humans.

Spectacles Audiobook
I mean it’s Sue Perkins right? Why that hell have I not listened to this yet.
The Martian Audiobook
I utterly adored this film I’ve watched it three times and I thought it was pretty godamn fantastic. I think it would be good to listen to the book and I think because it’s pretty long it would be good for distracting me while running.
The Girl in the Ice Audiobook
The Girl in the Ice: Detective Erika Foster Crime Thriller by Robert Bryndza
Her eyes are wide open. Her lips parted as if to speak. Her dead body frozen in the ice…She is not the only one.

When a young boy discovers the body of a woman beneath a thick sheet of ice in a South London park, Detective Erika Foster is called in to lead the murder investigation.


^ I love Thrillers and this one does not look like it would disappoint. The cover really, really drew my eye so I thought why the hell no. 


The Year of Living Danishly Audiobook
The Year of Living Danishly: Uncovering the Secrets of the World’s Happiest Country by Helen Russell
Maybe I just want to be Danish? Maybe I loved Denmark. Maybe I miss Copenhagen. Maybe the yellow house drew me in. Maybe I should just shut up and reading this instead.
Mad Girl Audiobook
Mad Girl by Bryony Gordon
Bryony Gordon has OCD.

It’s the snake in her brain that has told her ever since she was a teenager that her world is about to come crashing down: that her family might die if she doesn’t repeat a phrase five times, or that she might have murdered someone and forgotten about it. It’s caused alopecia, bulimia, and drug dependency. And Bryony is sick of it.

Keeping silent about her illness has given it a cachet it simply does not deserve, so here she shares her story with trademark wit and dazzling honesty.

^ I’m reaaaaaly into memoir’s at the moment and I think this one could be quite an inspiring one? I’ll report back. 

The Rosie Project Audiobook

The Rosie Project  by Graeme Simsion

I suggested this to Mumma B and she still hasn’t read it! Due to not wanting to buy another in the same form and I want her to read it I’ll just get it on audio book and then maybe we could finally discuss a book together.

The Danish Girl Audiobook

The Danish Girl by David Ebershoff

I really wanted to see this when it came out but I really wanted to read the book first but I have so many other books to reaaaad so maybe I’ll just listen – when I can’t get up in the morning #YAWWWWWWN

One Hundred Days of Happiness Audiobook

One Hundred Days of Happiness by Fausto Brizzi

What would you do if you knew you only had 100 days left to live? For Lucio Battistini, it’s a chance to spend the rest of his life the way he always should have—by making every moment count.

^ This a book for when I want to cry whilst I’m out running because this seem uber sad but utterly beautiful – PROBABLY. 

So there you go,  ten books I would like. Also T if you’re there maybe you could just buy me an audible subscriptions  forever? Thank you.

Top Ten ALL TIME Favorite Books Of (?) Genre

Hellllllllllo readers, the topic for today’s TTT kinda scares me, but mostly because I’m actually not going to do a genre. I’m going to list my top ten favourite books at the moment. I know I’m not the kind of person to really list my ‘favourite’ books but I thought it might be time to tell you which ones make the list time after time after time.

This is my all-time favourite chick-lit book. I have read this maybe eight times and it just makes my heart want to cry a little. It’s one of those books that just makes me so goddamn happy. The characters are really well written and likable, it has exciting sub-stories and it’s just brilliantly written.

This book got me through a hell of a lot and I’m really tempted to read it again soon but I’m a bit worried about the memories it will drag up. That’s the problem with books; I think feelings and memories really stick to the bloody pages and leave you feeling a little like a moron. This book however if you’re feeling heartbroken is a bloody winner.

I  have always adored this book quite a bit; Orwell has forever been an author that has inspired me to write due to the number of different genres and books he has managed to create and craft. This book has given me so many feels and really made me fall in love with Orwell’s writing. He has this way with words that I think no one else has.

This is a book I read recently but that doesn’t mean that it can’t rank highly on my list of fantastic books. I bought this for 20p from a book store that was closing down in Hanley. I picked it up because of the words book club and the cover, covered in leaves. It ended up being a book that helped me breathe again. That helped me realise the person I wanted to be.

This also only recently made it into my top ten books of the moment but it’s one I’m going to read again soon. Sometimes a book only needs to relate a little bit to really make you fall in love with an author. The running, the stress on the main character, the writing style, the beauty of the plot and the running. This book was stunning.

This book, well if you’re yet to read this book then it’s just something you will one day have to get a copy of, sit down and read. This book gave me so many feels, so many shivers. It tells the life of a man that’s going to die, but instead of feeling sad about that he wants to leave lectures that explain, mainly to his children, but also to us, how we can live our lives to the fullest. It’s a stunner.

I feel like the books I’ve picked aren’t very impressive? Like I could have picked 10 super impressive books. Like Ulysses or Great Expectations, but I would rather pick this. It’s a stunning book or romance, love, friendship and forgiveness. Written in an incredible writing style it really is a beauty.

FInally, because there have been two last spots in my list of books for a long time, The Book Thief. I adore this book; it is just the perfect historical fiction – if you haven’t read it you need to because, well, it’s probably top three.

Television Series I would recommend to Amber from ‘The Chocolate Run.’

Hellllllo, readers. Hope you’re having a brilliant Tuesday. As you know I bloody hate Tuesday’s but I actually reaaaly like writing these posts and this one is definitely one to make you smile. This week for The Broke and the Bookish the task is to suggest television series for a book character you love – I’m picking Amber from the chocolate run. #ENJOY

Orange is the new black

I mean it’s a classic! If you haven’t read the book then Amber actually works and adores films and I really think that OITNB has that feel to it. It’s a bit of a bloody blockbuster isn’t it? I think although Amber likes classics she would want to keep up with this series which is SO HOT RIGHT NOW.

House of Cards

 I think me and Amber would be best buddies, and I adored this so I think we could re -watch all of this together? Although she would have probably seen this because it’s good.


This is a new series for me that my sister suggested and I haven’t got round to watching it yet. I’ve watched the first ten minutes this morning and I thought it looked fantastic but I had to leave for work #noooooooo.

Maybe we could start this together? Me and ambs.

New Girl

 I feel this is a series that all females must watch because not only is Jess JUST LIFE, but Nick is my utter favorite. Amber watches a lot of really important films whilst she’s at work and it’s really stressful at times. I think this would be the perfect series for Amber to relax to.

How to get away with murder

This series is just PERFECTION. Highly recommend that you watch this and that includes Amber. This series is such a binge watching fest and NOW I WANT TO GO BACK AND WATCH IT.

Stranger things

Amber actually loves sci-fi, supernatural based things and although I’m not sure I’m going to enjoy this because I think it’s a bit creepy I think she would be engrossed. Maybe her and Greg could snuggle up on the sofa and watch this and eat hella chocolate.


#CLASSSSSSIC. Amber should and would love this.



Sherlock Photo

Broadchurch Photo

Both of these television series are just perfection –  I absolutely adored Broadchurch and Sherlock. Both have such brilliant filming and I think Amber would really enjoy pulling this to pieces, especially Broadchurch.


Magic School Photo

Finally, Amber sometimes really struggles with her childhood and I think this would be a really sweet programme for her to watch when she just needs to snaffle some chocolate after having a mini argument with Greg. Every girl needs a throwback.

There we go, ten fantastic series that you should watch and Amber should definitely watch with me. I would ADORE watching these with Amber and getting to know her better because she’s bloody fantastic.

Top Ten Tuesday! #BACKTOSCHOOL

Hellllllllo readers, it’s Tuesday and that means it’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday. I absolutely LOVE  today’s topic because I truly believe that my love of reading was really created when I was at school. Although I always found that school kind of stopped me reading the books I wanted to read, I found that it also opened a door that I have never been able to shut, and that is my addiction to reading.

So, today’s topic is what books I would have on my shelf  if I was a teacher.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee


This book I didn’t actually read until last year, but I thought it was brilliant and so telling. I think if I was a teacher I would want to share books with my students that would really test how they think about things.

Lee takes us through the eyes of a child to see the injustice of the adult world and how one parent’s love and crusade to represent the underrepresented teaches us all lessons in humility and compassion – it is just perfection.

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

If I was a teacher I think I would definitely teach secondary school students but I think this would still be a book that was on my shelf. This is definitely a talking point – what does the book teach us, what does it represent, is it still relevant today.

Shel Silverstein’s book really reminds us of the tenderness of the relationship between the giver and someone too young, too naive to realise just how much has been sacrificed. It’s an adorable but shocking book and  I really love it.

THE Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

 Randy Pausch offers so much more from childhood to adulthood. While it is a book about maintain the preciousness of our dreams, the true gift of this book is that in dying, Pausch shows us with humor and humility how to truly live.

THE Perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

I think as a teacher you need to have a real selection of books, some that are really thoughtful and positive and some that look at the difficulties of life. I really think this a book that would help you take on growing up which is a welcome addition to my shelf.

We need to talk about kevin by lionel shriver

Okay, so this might feel a little dark but this book presents a very sensitive look into one way a murderous, sociopathic student might emerge — audiences are left to decide for themselves whether or not they consider such behaviors the result of nature, nurture or a mix of both.

Although incredibly dark I think this is a book to create a discussion between students and introduce them to the power of literature.

THE girl with the dragon tattoo by stieg larsson 

This one is really just because it’s a guilty pleasure of mine. The narrative of this book is an introduction to a completely different culture and mixture of languages which I think creates a patchwork book. I adored this series and I hope my students would too.

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

A beautiful but important book that everyone should read. I can see someone being really bored on a wet-lunchtime and just picking it up and getting heavily, heavily involved. The thought of that makes me very, very happy.

THE BFG by Roald Dahl 

Just because you’re a little older doesn’t mean you shouldn’t read Roald Dahl. This book is brilliant and I think sometimes when the world gets too much this is the perfect cool down.

The Art of Being Brillian by Andy Cope, Andy Whittaker

Some of you will know that over the last couple of months I’ve really struggled to FIND myself. I knew that I wasn’t really, really struggling (like going to the doctors struggling) I just needed a bit of a pick-me up that life was okay, and being lost was okay, and that there were things that I could do to improve my mood.

I know during my school time anxiety and stress didn’t really affect me but I think now, because of social media and cyber bullying etc this book could reaaaally bloody helpful. Perfect for the shelf.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes  by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Classic. Needs to be on the shelf. NO MATTER WAHT.

So there you go, the books that would be on my shelf if I was a teacher and wanted my students to have a shelf they could pick from when they needed something to distract them from the struggles of life. Have you read any of these? Would you pick any of these from my teacher shelf? Let me knowwwwwww.


Ten Books That Have Been On My Shelf Since Before MLBB (that I still haven’t read.)

HOLLLA readers, I feel today’s topic will be incredibly eye-opening. I think one of the things that happens as bloggers is that we have a list 10 pages long of books we want to read, but because we’re constantly adding them on, some books just kind of get left behind. Today I’m going to try to list ten that I still haven’t read. Now a lot of these I expect will be classics because when I started my blog I was determined to read a hella load. I’ve read a few but there’s many to go.

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

When I was in high school certain English classes were given different books to read dependent which teacher you were in the class of. I studied Gatsby, Frankenstein and also Enduring Love, but I know that almost all of the others studied The Catcher in the Rye. I’ve always wanted to read this because I just hated the fact that we didn’t all get to read the same – it felt unfair for some reason.

The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

This one is on the list because I have little idea what it’s about. For some reason this book has eluded me for years, and that’s really on purpose from my point of view. I am yet to read anything from Oscar Wilde and I think this should be the first book from this author that I read.

The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry

The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery (image credit Penguin) VIA Amazon.com

This is on so many people’s lists for books they adore and I haven’t read it still – I will get it to it eventually. Hopefully it doesn’t take another three years.

Lord of the flies by William Golding

This is another book from my high school years that I didn’t read. I know that I definitely could have read it on my own time, and space. I haven’t yet but I will.

On the road by Jack Kerouac

I was bought a beautiful copy of this book and it’s been sat in my bookish suitcase. It just needs to be picked up and read. It’s just another author I’ve read nothing by yet and I need to!

I am the messenger by markus zusak

This one is a little bit of a cheat because I read The Book Thief before I started blogging, it was just that once I finished the book, I mean started it even, I knew I would have to read something by this author again. I’m yet to

the golden notebook by Doris Lessing

This book was suggested to me by someone I really respected while I was at university. This person also loved books and was very passionate about them and writing. I know I have to get this read, not due to just their recommendation but also because it’s been sat in my mind for the past few years.

Notes from a small island by bill bryson

I love BIll Bryson, and I’ve started this book maybe four or five times, I’ve just never QUITE made it all the way through but I intend to very soon.

Anna karenina by leo tolstoy

These last two books are books that I feel I should have read but haven’t. I like the idea of reading them and being all cultured and a proper reader but, ya know. Not quite yet.

Ulysses by James Joyce

Everyone has to try this one right?

So, there they are. Ten books that have never been read by yours truly but I have always, always wanted to. Except for Ulysses which I know a lot of people have opinions of, which books have you read? Are there any I should take off the list, is there one I should read first? Let me know in the comments!

Top Ten Books I want to read set in LONDON

Constitutional by Helen Simpson

Charting tantrums, funerals, pregnancy, war and love affairs, these stories unroll with piercing wit and sympathy. One woman finds grief for her lost lover is assuaged by involvement in some carpentry repair work. Another grows increasingly angry as the grim reaper scythes through her circle, with farcical and tragic results – taking in both the view and the conversations of passers-by these short stories are apparently beautiful and telling.

The Lonely Londoners by Sam Selvon

A beat novel focusing on poor West Indian migrant workers in 1950s London, as they live and work around Notting Hill and Bayswater. A stunning tale with fantastic reviews.


There is no yesterday, nor tomorrow, merely weather, and decay, and construction.’ In London’s changing heartland, architect Matthew Halland is aware of how the past and the present blend. It stirs memories of his boyhood, the early years of his daughter Jane and the failed marriage that he has almost put behind him. Here too is the London of prehistory, of Georgian elegance, of the Blitz. But Matthew is occupied with constructing a new future for London in Docklands, and with it he begins to forge new beginnings of his own – #perfection

Londoners by Craig Taylor

Taylor interviewed 80 Londoners to paint an oral portrait of the city as told by those who live and work here – from the tube train announcer to the Buckingham Palace guard – this sounds like the perfect nosy book!


I’ve struggled before with the author Ian McEwan but this book sounds right up me street. Saturday takes place over the course of a single day, as the neurosurgeon narrator prepares for a dinner party, navigating post-9/11 terrorism paranoia and pondering the assumed safety of the middle class life he has built.

London Fields by Martin Amis

A literary murder mystery set in the heart of Hackney, where a teminally ill writer stumbles across both a funeral-crashing young woman, and the plot that will kill her. This sounds gritty, real, and exciting and I love that cover #gorgeous.

Notes on a Scandal by Zoë Heller

A teacher begins an affair with a troubled student at a North London comprehensive school, risking her job and her family in the process. This sounds like the perfect book to read in the bath, surrounded by candles and chocolate, AND THAT COVER, WELL HELLO.


Recommended for Train enthusiasts, on the eve of his wedding, Andy makes a drunken bet that he can travel through every single Tube station in a single day. Fail the bet and he won’t be able to collect the Eurostar tickets he needs to get to his wedding in Paris. A fantastic tale around the tubes of London.

The Night Watch by Sarah Waters

Moving backwards from the post-war lives of four characters, and ending in with their wartime exploits in 1941, The Night Watchmoves around London and gives both a compelling account of the city in wartime, and of those forced to traverse it in secret, not for war, but for love. I think this sounds like a perfect Winter read.

Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

Finally a classic to finish the list; the book follows a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway as she prepares to host a party in her affluent Westminster home, and contemplates issues of class, society, sexuality, politics and love. I think this book sounds like a brilliant read, full of excitement and secrets.

Annnnnnd there you go, Top Ten Books I want to read set in LONDON! Have you read any of these? Which were your favourites, are there any I should take off the list let me know and have a fantastic Tuesday.

Top Ten Tuesday REWIND – My Ten OCD Bookish Habits.

I feel like singing the CHA CHA SLIDEEE on today’s post

Turn it out
To the left
Take it back now y’all
One hop this time
One hop this time
Reverse (reverse)
Slide to the left
Slide to the right
Reverse, reverse
Reverse, reverse

Cause we’re going back in time on this weeks TTT and picking a topic that we haven’t done before and I decided to choose this one. I was recently on a train and a man came and chatted to me about the book I was reading. Now, I’m pretty sure he was a little bit tipsy but he was a wonderful guy and I had a lovely chat to him between London Euston and Northampton. He asked me a lot about my reading habits and I thought I do have a hella load of weird reading habits and I wanted to share them with you. SO, enjoy (REVERSE REVERSE.)


This is a common one, but I know people who read further into the book whilst they’re reading. Like I’m sorry no,

BUYING TEN MILLION BOOKMARKS (and still folding over the bloody corner on books!!)

I have so so so so many bookmarks – an @ sign, a dog, a spider, one that looks like a tongue, a magnetic one, and at least two Harry Potter ones, but I just never use them. Instead I’m still folding over the corners on book covers BECAUSE I AM THE WORST.

If I really, really, reaaaaally, love a book, never watching the film.

Still haven’t seen The Book Thief, I just can’t. Although saying this I did adore Ps. I Love You, so maybe I’ll have to change this one.

Reading a fantastic book by an author but never reading another book by them, (cause I’m an idiot.)

I think I do this because I don’t want to read a book that might ruin that first book.  So even though I adore Any Human Heart by William Boyd I haven’t read anything else. Even though the Book Thief is one of my favorites books like ever I haven’t read anything else by Marcus Zusak. WHY (cause I’m an idiot.)

Re-reading books around the same times of year.

It’s like Harry Potter at Christmas it’s one of those things you do. It’s the same with lots of books for me – if I’m lost in the world there’s a book for that, if I’m heartbroken there’s a book for that. Throughout my life, books have been a comfort blanket and yep, basically I’m a terror for re-reading books around the same times of year.

I can’t read on sofa’s. 

So stick with me on this one, I never read on the sofa because I CAN NEVER GET COMFY. Train bundled up against someone, no problem. Snuggled up in the bath, lol no problem. Wrapped up in bed, no problem. On the bus bumping about no problem. The sofa is a problem though – soz guys I’m a nutter.

never throwing books away.

This one is becoming a bit of a problem to me honest with you but I can’t just give books away. It’s just too bloody difficult. Instead I need to find a home for them; with other people, at charity shops, sent to other bloggers but honestly I find it impossible to part with books. Recently I cleared the entirety of my room, threw away six bags of random shit but the bag of books. Still sat at the end of my bed.

Reading a book from the library then maybe three years later buying a copy.

^ DUE TO SAID ISSUE, I often read a book, then I let it linger in my mind and if it’s still there in three years or so I will buy a copy. IT MAKES NO SENSE. It would be better if I just read ARC copies on my laptop for example and then bought the books that I love in paper-copy but I seem unable to do this. I’m a mixed-up kinda lass.

I think I might leave this post here – I know there are only 8 but I feel like I might have given enough away already. God I’m such a mess of a reader.