Fighter Pilot’s Daughter: A Guest post with Mary Lawlor


Hello readers, a little bit of a reposting today with the fantastic Mary Lawlor. Myself and Mary have been working together on a couple of bits and bobs recently and she kindly asked whether I would re-post our brilliant article on her book The Fighter Pilot’s Daughter (with a couple of adjustments to give you a little more information!) Enjoy and if you want a beautifully written story  that will really pull on your heart strings use the links below and bag yourself a copy!

If you were to describe your book in three sentences what would you say? (They can be long sentences!)

It’s a story about my life as the daughter of a military pilot who was often away from home and dramatizes the ways the Cold War sifted down into our household. The climax of the story comes with me getting caught up in the heat of the student uprisings in Paris when my father was in Vietnam. The story concludes with our reconciliation: we found our way back to each other as the Cold War ended.

What was the most important thing you learnt during writing this book? How did you feel when the book was completed?

I realized what a problem I was—a pain in the neck, really—for my parents during those really tense years. For decades I’d thought of my mother and father as the bad guys, but in writing the book I came to see that they were afraid for me; and that I was difficult for them to talk to and refused to get along with them.

Is there anything in the book you wish you had changed now that it’s out there in the world – (I love this question!)

I’d give more attention to my sisters. They’re very interesting, imaginative people, but they have their own ways of understanding and remembering our life as a family. As much as I’d like to have included more about them in my book, I have to respect their separate visions.


 Could you give us an insight into your writing process?

I try to listen to the words moving around in my head. In hearing things said in my family all those years ago, I probably didn’t get them exactly as they were in fact uttered, but I really did hear them. Once they were written down, more memories came; and when those were written, more came still…

Is there a message in your novel that you wanted your readers to grasp?

I wanted to show how complicated military families can be—how the members of a given family don’t necessarily hold the same views about military culture itself. I wanted readers to see the crazy trajectories Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine kids are made to follow and the difficulties of finding yourself in those situations. I wanted to tell my mother’s story, of how it was for her making, unmaking, remaking the household and her self every time we moved. And for my father I wanted to show the human side of a professional warrior. Very difficult.

How can readers discover more about you and you work?

On my website:


So there you go a little bit of an insight into Mary’s book and the fantastic writing that this author does and why. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Mark number of times now to promote her books and she’s a really brilliant author with a lot of passion.

On a side-note: this will become my usual review date. Unfortunately my plan to get the blog up and running a little more smoothly has been put on the back-burner. I’m tempted to wait until Christmas to really get everything back up and running again but I hope you’re enjoying the little bits and bobs I’m posting for now.

Links for Mary Lawlor’s Fighter Pilot’s Daughter: Growing Up in the Sixties and the Cold War

Version 3

Mary Lawlor’s website

Website Page Fighter Pilot’s Daughter




Week Commencing: Nov 7


Hello readers – I’m here, on a Tuesday with another Week commencing. I realise I haven’t written a book review in a little while but now that we finally have internet I spent the weekend having a content update so look forward to some new reviews cause after having a 5hr commute for three weeks (OH MY LIFE,) I have a lot of new reviews to write. But for now, another week commencing because I really enjoyed writing the last (and they will be my new Monday post! Not Tuesday ;))

Cannalo at Casa Cannoli


One of the beauties from Greenwich Market (which we might not be able to get away from in these weekly updates because oh my life – I adore Greenwich Market.) T bought three of these; pistachio, lemon and hazlenut.) These were honestly incredible – hazlenut was definitely my favourite but even though we’d eaten hella burritos at the market we couldn’t help but dig into these.


Fried Eggs (and lots of toast)

Maybe this is a little, I don’t know odd. But I have never really been a massive breakfast person. I’m kind of the grab an apple and diet coke can as I ran out the door, but I’ve been making a lot of effort to make breakfast every day and I have fallen in love with fried eggs. This (below) covered with hot-sauce #yaaaas.


Vietnamese food (specifically baguettes.) 

I mean look at this. Lemon grass chicken, a hella load of sauces, crispy onions, cucumber and whole load of other bits and bobs. This was delicious.



Okay – I bought a mermaid tail blanket and honestly – no regrets. This blanket is warm and snuggly and both T and I have been loving it. I think the New Look one I bought it now out of stock (probably because the fantastic Hannah Gale gave it a shout out.) But I’ll let you know if they re-appear!


Flannel shirts (and Autumn in general!) 

Gah – I adore a flannel shirt and a cosy coat combo. This is my favourite I’ve been rocking for a couple of week but I utterly adore it. Snuggly leggings, flat shoes (I mean London can hurt your toes) an over-the-shoulder bag. YAAAS.


I tried to get this out on Tuesday but I just didn’t have time. I’m so busy with 10000000 other bits and pieces. But I hope you enjoyed this post – without further ado I’m off to finish reading the new Lisbeth Salander book – cherrrio.

Week Commencing: Nov 1


Hello readers – I’m here, on a Wednesday and it’s not a book review? What, I hear you say. Well – today is a new blog day and I thought, let’s not sit around and cry about the mind-boggling election of Donald Trump (insert cry face emoji.) Lets explore all the exciting things I did last week and kinda move on from all the drama; because reading about the life of a small time blogger is quite distracting right?

QUICK NOTE: For those of you wondering what’s happened to the bloody blog – well, London is an exciting, amusing and crazy new place but it’s pretty exhausting and although I’ve read a hella number of books, I kind of want to push the boundaries of this blog and write a little more about my life here in London. It should still be primarily bookish but I just want to share a little more about my life here in London. Without delay, here’s what I’ve been up to! 

Cocktails at Somerset House

On Saturday afternoon one of my loveliest long-time friends @HopeCami came to visit. After visiting Wagamama’s for a well-deserved catch-up (GIVEE me all the R A M E N,) we trekked towards the London Eye to take a number of touristy shots. We gave up though at Somerset house and spent an eye-watering amount of money on cocktails. (If you do go, The Somerset is one of the most perfect cocktails I’ve ever tried – so go try it!)


Walks in Greenwich Park

I’ve mentioned it maybe 100000000 times; but I recently moved to Greenwich and it is just the most beautiful place. Leanne, (another brilliant friend who I missed a hella load in Stoke) and I went for an early morning walk and it was sublime. This photo doesn’t have a filter; it was honestly perfect. (Plus hot-chocolates were pretty fantastic too!)


Having my own kitchen (yaaaas) 

Basically I can now make the most delicious breakfasts each and every single morning; (then add mouth-watering filters and post them to instagram cause I’m that cool) . But seriously getting our own kitchen was a serious deal breaker. There might be fewer people to deny needing to wash up but it’s much better than the soul-destroying moment when going to cook and there being NO GODDAMN SAUCEPANS.


Greenwich Food Market 

You guys, if you live anywhere near Greenwich you have to try this out, seriously. The range of food from different countries/cuisines/diets (gluten-free anyone?) is incredibly. Plus there are so many vegetarian and vegan options T was pretty damn happy.


Getting back into Instagram 

This one coincided with moving to London. I have very, very fond memories of living in Stoke on Trent but after 5 years there I struggled to photograph it in any other light than it was kinda sucking the life out of me. Moving to London means I’m constantly whipping out my camera and taking photographs, and posting them on the ole instagram. I’m still getting a feel for it but if you fancy following me you can find me at @littlebookblog1!


So there you have it; my first week commencing style post? I’m not sure what I’ll call them in the coming weeks and I’m pretty sure I want them to come out on a Monday but once again we’ll see. Let me know if you enjoyed this – I would love to make them very book related but I don’t know how easy that will be. But I’ll stop withering – and chin up about Donald everyone. It’s only four years? (hits head on table.)

Which Classic Female Author Are You?


Hellllllllllo readers, are you well? It’s another Friday and I seem to be making a habit of this it’s another BUZZFEED quiz! I actually really like these, one because some of the questions they ask are utterly hilarious. Secondly I kinda want to know what classic author I am – maybe I’ll be one in the future eh.

What are you writing with?

Ink Pens

Your Typewriter

Your Laptop 


Quill Pens

Gel Pens

Laptop right? I mean I think a type-writer, a pen, a quill, or an Ink Pen will just be too slow and Gel Pens are just too smelly. So I’m going to go with my laptop because I like it a lot. 

Describe yourself in a word?







Right, this is one of those awkward questions where you have to describe yourself but in a kind of hilarious way. Maybe I should have pick flawless – I would rather be witty. 


I couldn’t pick the poo emoji so it had to be this one. 

PICK A book genre that needs to go 

Vampire Fantasies

Bro Novels

Pick up artist books

Dinosaur Sex Novels

Celeb Memoirs 

Odd Political Books

THERE WERE A LOT OF ANSWERS I COULD HAVE ANSWERED, but I think that celeb memoirs are the worst. Especially Jeremy Clarkson. Also has anyone read or even seen a dinosaur sex novel? 

Where are you reading?

An empty library

Your bedroom

A Park

A Flight

The Subway

Literally Anywhere

I think anywhere would be the best because I like to read alllllll the time. 

Pick a movie 

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

The Basketball Diaries

When Harry Met Sally

22 Jump Street

The Social Network

Django Unchained 

I found it tough to pick between 22 Jump Street and Django Unchained because I adore both because they are just so different but I think Django just kinda pips it. I’ve only seen it once but I want to watch it again. 

It’s Friday Night what are you doing?

Getting caught up on work

Drinking with friends

Planning a road trip

Netflix Marathon

Reading a new novel

Hitting up the club

I can’t lie – you always pick tequila. 

Which Classic Female Author Are You? You got: Joyce Carol Oates

  1. You’re the rockstar author, playwright, and Princeton professor. You aren’t the best at Twitter but you’re super talented and amazing in just about every way possible. “I never change, I simply become more myself.”

So we go, there is my classic author – isn’t that fantastic? (is it terrible I’m not 100% who this is?!?!) If you want to take the quiz and find out which female author you are then you take the quiz here (and I’m off to google who this might be! SOOORY!) 

A catch-up.


Halloo readers – gah it feels good to be speaking to you because it’s been a bloody while. If you hadn’t noticed and if my page views hadn’t been a massive indicator I’ve been a little bit off the boil. However, I finally have a couple of minutes to tell you why.

I, Lizzy Baldwin, moved to London. I’ve finally finally done it.

Some of you will have known that around 11 months ago T moved to London and I vowed to move there as quickly as possible. Then as the months went on and on, it seemed like my dream of moving to London would never come true. We started talking about T relocating back to Stoke and then finally – I secured a job at a University working in the Digital Content Team.

My first month (ish) in London was squished into T’s tiny room in Islington which was, well – interesting after living apart for 9 months. Then, we moved to the most stunning one bed flat in Greenwich, that costs well…. let’s not go into that.

img_1487 img_1505

I can’t tell you how happy I am. A few months ago I wasn’t sure what the bloody hell I was going to do. I’ve wanted to live and work in London since I was 15/16 and since I graduated from University I’ve been applying for prettty much any job going in the hope of moving. Now, I live in Greenwich a place close to my families heart (my Dad was born in Greenwich) and I’m the happiest I might have ever been.

As I write this I have to add we currently have two plates, two forks, a knife and that’s the pretty much the extent of our kitchenware. We’ve had to boil pasta in a 5 year old wok (which is scratched to shit) for the past week and we’re planning a week of pizza for dinner because it’s THE ONLY MEAL WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR (cutter included.)

But I’m really happy; and as soon as we get the internet sorted (ROLL ON SATURDAY) this blog will be a lot more Lizzo. Massive smile on her face living in London Lizzo.

Also here’s a picture of us in-front of our front door – two utterly broke human beings, exhausted because we had to move a hella load of our belongings in a taxi, but so, so, so happy.


10 Baddass Bookish things I WANT right now!

DigitalDetoxing (5)

Hello readers! Hope you’re well and having a wonderful Friday. I’m a bit a magpie for bookish things, I just can’t seem to leave them alone. I thought instead of buyimg every single one of these things I thought I would pop them all in a post and make you buy them! #sorrynotsorry

‘Readers Gonna Read’ Enamel Pin

'Readers Gonna Read' Enamel Pin

How cute is this – I really want to buy a new canvas bag and just cover it with pins. This could be one of them.

Library Card Socks

Library Card Socks

I ADORE THESE SOCKS – they are super cute and look really cozy. #reader4lyfe.

100 Postcards from Penguin

100 Postcards from Penguin

When I get my own place I really want to make lots and lots of bookish decorations. I think it would be really lovely to make these into some kind of artwork? Maybe?

A most novel idea in MacBook protection

BookBook for MacBook Air & Retina — 13” Air & Pro

I do have a case for my computer that is really smart and lovely but I would like a more bookish one too!

Marks the Plot Coaster Set


GAHHHHHHHHHH BOOK THEMED DECOR #yesmate #bookblogger4lyfe

Nancy Drew: The Secret of the Old Clock Tee


When I’m wombling around the house I like to just wear tshirts and leggings and this could be the perfect lounge wear for blogging. I adore Nancy Drew.

Wolfum Bookends


I’m sorry there’s SO MANY decor based things, but since my move to London has become more real I really want to start decorating a little more and making the place I live feel like home.

Book Rest Lamp


Gah this lap is gorgeous – I think this would be perfect for reading in the evening with a little MOOD lighting.

Just One More Chapter Enamel Pin

Just One More Chapter Enamel Pin - Book Lover Pin Badge - Book Cover - Literary Gift - Geek Gift for Book Lover - Book Jewellery

This is ALSO for my canvas bag. I would have to keep it super clean though rather than always dropping it on the floor. Silly.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, Quote Poster

Ralph Waldo Emerson, Quote Poster, Black and White, Wall Art, Minimalist, Paper Gift, Posters, Quotes, Book Quotes, Bookish Gift, Books

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

^ I think T would love this, and I do too.

So there we have it, ten things I would JUST LOVE to get my little mitts on. I think since I got the new job and have really started to think about my changing up all my decor and making it lots more bookish! So tell me below which item is your favourite? and have a FANTASTIC day.



The Book Sacrifice Tag


Helllllllo readers, today I’m going to do the Book Sacrifice Tag! Now I know that that sounds a little bit aggressive, but ya know it’s always a little fun to do a SACRIFICE tag. So enjoy – and if you fancy doing this tag then please tag me. 

1) An Over-Hyped Book: Let’s start this off with a Zombie Apocalypse! Let’s say you’re in a book store, just browsing, when BAM! ZOMBIE ATTACK. An announcement comes over the PA System saying that the military has discovered that the zombies’ only weakness is over-hyped books. What book that everyone else says is amazing but you really hated so you start chucking at the zombies knowing that it will count as an over-hyped book and successfully wipe them out?!

I actually adore this situation – how amazing to be able to wipe out zombie apocalypse with just books. I think I would pick The Fault in Our Stars from John Green. I actually really enjoyed the book, but when it came out – well you couldn’t get away from it. Maybe I’m just too old. 

Image result for TFIOS

2) A Sequel: Let’s say you’ve just left the salon with a SMASHING new haircut and BOOM: Torrential downpour. What sequel are you willing to use as an umbrella to protect yourself?

I can’t lie I did actually enjoy the second book in the Fifty Shades trilogy and I mean that in the kind of trashy way that I think everyone that enjoys 50 shades does. There’s no shame – TRASH ROMANCE IS OKAY. However, the third book was just goddamn disappointing. It just got UBER boring and I can’t lie, I didn’t finish it. 

Image result for fifty shades of grey third book


3) A Classic: Let’s say you’re in a lecture and your English teacher is going on and on about how this classic changed the world, how it revolutionized literature and you get so sick of it that you chuck the classic right at his face because you know what? This classic is stupid and it’s worth detention just to show everyone how you feel! What Classic did you chuck?

This book was just hell to read. Not only did it send me to sleep on numerous occasions, but it was impossible to finish. I have still never finished it, and you know what #noregrets. 

Image result for great expectations book cover

4) Your Least Favourite Book of Life!: Let’s say that you’re hanging out at the library when BAM global warming explodes and the world outside becomes a frozen wasteland. You’re trapped and your only chance for survival is to burn a book. What is the book you first run to, your least favourite book of all life, what book do you not fully regret lighting?

THIS BOOK IS ONE OF THE WORST BOOKS I’VE MAYBE EVER READ. I think it would be a service to the reading community if this book was just taken to save the world from global warming. If you want to read my whole review it’s here. 


If you’d like to do this tag – feel free to take the questions from here. Please tweet me (@littlebookblog1) a link to your answers if you choose to do it and have a beautiful day. 

Fear’s Revenge by Lynn Case: A guest post for MLBB


Hellllo readers hope you’re well – I apologise that the blog has been a little off for a while there’s a reason for that and it’s also the reason they’ve been a lot more guest postings but I will get into this. I currently have very little internet and unfortunately before that day came that the internet just wasn’t there I had quite a few scheduled up to post so I apologise it’s been a little heavy on guest postings recently. Today I have a fantastic guest post from Lynn Case and it’s a brilliant interview so I hope you won’t mind! Enjoy 😀

Tell us a bit about yourself:

Well, I’m, just a country girl at heart, I have lived most of my life in California.  Except for a few years spent in Alaska while my husband, Dan, was serving in the U.S. Army. We have two grown children and many pets. Multiple dogs, cats and a very curious cockatoo named Clyde. I love to cook, if you follow my blog on my website you will see a few recipes that I like to share and I love to write.  I don’t always make public the things I write, but some I do.

We have traveled across the country and have visited thirty eight states in the U.S. some multiples times.  Through our travels is where I get some of the inspirations for my stories. Writing short stories here and there while growing up, being a private person, I never shared my writings, even with close friends or family.   Much less allow them to be made public.  I was strongly encouraged to publish my first novel, Fear’s Revenge in September 2013.

I received tremendous feedback from readers so I decided to release my second novel, Return to Lily Cove in March 2014 and just his past August I released my third novel, Gabrielle, lost and I am currently working on my fourth novel in the series, Feathers in the Wind.  Hopefully, I can get this one done and released in early 2016.

Who or What inspired you to start writing this book?

I kept having scene run through my mind and after a few days of it repeating itself I decided to start writing them down.  Day after day until the first book was done.  Then it was onto the next story.


What three words would you use to describe this book?

Roller coaster ride, maybe? That’s what one reader said about it.  I really liked that description. 

Who is your target group for this book?

My books are about women in their late 30’s.  Because basically us women are never older than that, right ladies?  So my target group is women 18 and over.  I feel that some of the chapters are a little graphic, so I wouldn’t recommend them for younger audiences. 

Tell us about this book.

Allison Symms had forgotten everything about that night over twenty years ago.  The night she was held captive in an old cabin in the woods. Last thing she can remember is running through the woods and crashing head on into something, falling back knocking herself unconscious.

She doesn’t remember anything about that night until one day she gets knocked over by a city bus taking a turn to sharp and hits her head against a flower planter and goes unconscious once again.  Then she begins to have horrific nightmares and flashbacks to events that she can’t remember.

After seeing her therapist and undergoing hypnosis, all is revealed about the lost events of that one traumatic night. Allison decides to take the law into her own hands and take Fears Revenge on the four boys that held her captive.

As each detailed step of revenge Allison takes against, Cole, Tyler, Tony and Bobby she is beginning the healing and growing process in more ways than she bargained for. 

Do you have a favorite chapter from this book?

In Fears Revenge my favorite chapter is definitely chapter 15.  I think I was laughing the whole time I was writing the main scene. 

What do you hope people will gain from reading this book?

Well, I hope they enjoy reading my novels for stories themselves.  I do hope the readers ultimately get the message that regardless of what or how your life has turned out we make our life what we want.  If we don’t like what we have been dealt with in life, we have the inner power and strength to change it.  

Is your book in Print, ebook or both?

All my novels are available in print in perfect bound, hard bound and in ebook for those readers to download on their iPads, tablets and smart phone.

What advice would you give to other Writers?

Write, just write.  Write it down.  Whatever comes to mind, it may not make sense to you right now, but later on it might.  Just keep writing, never give up something you love doing.

 Tell us the link where potential readers can buy this book.

My books re available pretty much everywhere.  Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Indie Books, Xlibris and my website 

Any additional links?

My website :

Facebook :



 Is there anything else you would like to share about this book?

 Yes, It has been reviewed and had a Hollywood Coverage completed and is available for movie or television.


So there we go readers – a fantastic interview with a really fantastic author. Have a wonderful Tuesday and I hope you enjoy the post later today too!


Ten Characters I’d Name A Pug puppy after!


Halloo readers, hope you’re well! I’ve been lagging a little with the blog recently due to internet problems. It’s 2016 goddamnit and yet I still can’t get a good connection. However, tomorrow is a massive day for me, so I have been a little busy but I will make sure to update you. Kind of related to the big event tomorrow T and I have been talking about the pets we would both like to eventually have and a  Pug has been at the top of my list for many, many, many years (although T is more of a cat person). So this is the perfect challenge for me! ENJOY!

Atticus – From the author of To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee

Aslan From The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

Harper – From the author of To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee

Gale – From The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Amory – From This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald


Laila – From A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

Santiago – From The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Celie – From The Color Purple by Alice Walker

Micah – From Liar by Justine Larbalestier

Holden – From The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger


So there we go – a real mix of different characters although mainly male and I think I would like a female puppy but we’ll see.  I know none of these are that original but I like them all so happy days. If you have any ideas for names (or super cute dogs/cat breeds) then let me know in le comments! Have a super tuesday y’all.

Street Preacher by Aaron Davis


Helllo readers, cheeky little Sunday posting for you. I’ve got a really exciting post for you next week which I’m going to be typing up tomorrow *eeee* but for now, a really super lovely guest post from Aaron Davis and the book Street Preacher.

When John begins shouting his sermons in the middle of crowded downtown sidewalks, his only goal is to collect enough money for some food and a place to sleep.

. . . INSTEAD . . .

. . . he finds himself on the path to faith, a path that may cost him more than he ever imagined.

Can you describe your book to my readers in three ish sentences?

Street Preacher is somewhat inspired by Flannery O’Connor’s “Wise Blood” That is to say, I was reading that a lot while I wrote my novel. Mine, however, is about the struggle to find faith beyond just simply saying “I believe” or affiliating with a church. This struggle is observed by various characters that each reflect different views of faith. There is John who is the protagonist. George who has no faith. Marty who is a sort of jaded, ministry-worn sort of Christian. Jennifer is an idealist. And Walter usually comes into the book to speak truth, though he is not without his faults.

Who is your favourite character from the book and why?

My favorite character is Walter, because he authentically loves others despite his own homeless situation. It was tempting to make him perfect so I had to add a bit of pride to him, but I think that is common. Even at our best, we all struggle somewhere.

Is there anything in the book you wish you had changed now that it’s out there in the world; a different sub-plot or maybe a new character completely? (I love asking this question!)

If I were to add more to this book, I would have developed Marty a little more. He runs the shelter, so he cares, but he also has an almost jaded view from working there so long


So is this the only book in the series? (Or will there be more?)

This book is not part of a series, no.

Do you have any other books, or plans to write more?

I have two other projects in the works.  I am writing a book of my own struggles with depression and I am writing a novel about a police detective tracking down a serial killer. The theme of that book is vengeance vs justice.

Where can my readers follow more of your writing?

People can learn all about my writing, plus read blogs and poetry at

So there we go, a lovely little post with the author Aaron Davis! Have a fantastic evening and thank you to this wonderful author for letting me feature his book on MLBB!

